[quote=@Goliah]I get the feeling that if Superman and Wonder Woman had shown a little more restraint, and Batman a little less restraint, Araxie would have less of a problem with them.[/quote]If they were more like Marvel's Punisher and less sociopathic, homicidal dictators or naive little bat'tards (that is a contraction I just made up) Araxie definitely wouldn't want to go genocidal on the Amazons and may actually be willing to be a Cape, probably not though. She partly takes after Booster Gold, less about the fame more about the money unluckily the fame comes hand in hand with the money. If she learned to time travel she could achieve her goals of eliminating every Amazonionian ever, she would just have to charm.....oh wait she would first to have to learn how to manipulate people like that. Maybe she could find a poison, go back in time and poison the island before or shortly after the Amazons get there. That way Wonder Woman can't help poison Superman's mind with her bigotry and hatred. She would then go remove the Joker from being a threat to any lives ever, just would have to find out who he was before he was who he was. Does Batman even know the answer to that? Might have to wait until after he becomes the Joker.