Nadia had her hands shaking a bit after the battle and she on accident dropped her scythe onto the ground. Her thoughts were all over the place about what had happened. She put her two hands together right at her chest and was trying to think of happy thoughts. [color=lightpink][i]”I-I have no idea what’s going on,”[/i][/color] Nadia thought to herself, with tears running down her cheeks. She snapped back into reality when Julian talked towards her. [color=lightpink]”S-Stay close… I-I will try,”[/color] Nadia said, a bit shaken from what has happened and tears. She looked down and saw her scythe on the ground. She picked it up with her hands and they were still shaking but she was holding onto her scythe a bit tighter. Julian grimaced slightly as Nadia held her scythe. This Pulse girl was hardly fit for the front line duty that the circumstances had thrust upon her. He directed Maurice and Rikken to search for any useful materials while Julian remained behind to keep an eye on Nadia. As she trembled, Julian reached forward towards the brand on her right arm. “Might I take a closer look?” he asked. “Everything is happening so quickly. My head is spinning from all this. Why us, right?” Julian tried to find Nadia’s gaze with his own and spoke gently as he approached. She seemed no different from any random Cocoon girl he had met. Her attire was strange, but he had seen stranger in Nautilus. Her reactions were definitely not as monstrous as Eden would have their citizens believe. All his scrutiny turned up was a scared, normal girl put in circumstances far outside her comfort zone. Nadia heard Julian’s first question and was shaking a bit more. [color=lightpink]”Y-Yeah… you can,”[/color] Nadia said, with a slight ounce of caution and a bit fear of what might happen next. She had not been this afraid in her life for once she had no idea what’s going on. [color=lightpink]”I-I have no idea,”[/color] Nadia replied. She continued to look down while looking at her scythe and noticed her hands still shaking but couldn’t stop herself from doing so. She had never been this afraid in her life. [color=lightpink][i]”T-This mission… was supposed to be simple but…,”[/i][/color] Nadia thought to herself, with tears coming down her face. Julian nodded as he inspected her brand. “Same for me. A simple reconnaissance mission, with potential rewards that would help both Cocoon and Pulse. But I was lied to, it seems, and now we’re all Pulse l’Cie. I’ll just say I never dreamed I’d be in this position.” Julian looked at the back of his right hand, comparing his own brand with Nadia’s. “They look the same. Whatever just happened back there, we’re now in this together. And it looks like you have a friend in Noir as well. We’ll do whatever we can to keep you safe, okay?” Nadia heard what Julian had said and it was a bit shaken and tried calm herself down. She couldn’t shake a feeling of dread. [color=lightpink]”I-I guess,”[/color] Nadia said, a bit unsure of herself. She was startled when he told her about safe and everything he had said. She slowly looked up and had been teary eyed from the beginning. [color=lightpink]”O-Okay. I-I’ll try not to be…,”[/color] Nadia said, with tears coming down her face. She tried to put on a smile but it turned into a frown instead. Her body was still shaking from all that has happened. Julian placed his hand on her shoulder, patting it lightly. “It’s okay to be scared. This all just... is not optimal. But we need to focus for now, at least until we get to safety. I know you can be strong; I just saw it when we fought those Bombs.” Julian gave a quiet sigh before glancing around at what the others were doing. “If what Molly said is correct, we need to keep moving. We don’t want those Cie’th finding us. I think we should regroup back at my camp. We can resupply and rest there, and then try to figure out what that damned vision meant.” He looked back to Nadia, attempting to size her up. She didn’t appear to be much for traversing the wilds, and her intelligence-gathering skills had yet to be proven. “What can you do to help us?” he asked softly. “Each one of us will need to work together to make this work. What will your role be?” Nadia got shaken when he mentioned the bombs, it was mostly the adrenaline that kept her from faltering. She calmed down a bit when he said about the camp, she wanted to get out of this place the most. Her hands slowly stopped shaking but she was still worried. [color=lightpink]”I-I’m a cook… I was trained in the a-art of cooking when I joined the P-Pulsian… Military,”[/color] Nadia said, a bit tense in her tone of voice. She had a bit of a tough time in basic training in the Pulsian Military. [color=lightpink]”T-They were hard on me… They said, I was too id-idealistic...,”[/color] Nadia said. She looked down at the ground a bit weary and tired. At the comment of idealism, Julian let out a laugh. “Idealism is probably what got most of us into this mess,” he replied, still chuckling. “I welcome it. If I learned nothing else, it’s this: knowing what you believe is a more powerful motivator than being told what to believe. And, lucky for you, I’ve been looking for a chef. Cid might be great with machines, but he makes a terrible cook.” Julian gave Nadia a reassuring smile. “Come on, let’s go find the others.” Nadia was taken aback at Julian’s straightforwardness in what he said. [color=lightpink]”O-Okay, I will try my best,”[/color] Nadia said. She giggled at what he had said. She felt a bit more relaxed and finally put her scythe away by sheathing it. [color=lightpink]”Cid…? I-I guess I will meet him soon,”[/color] Nadia said, a bit confused. She wanted to find the people in the group that were thrusted into this role. [color=lightpink][i]”T-That vision… was strange,”[/i][/color] Nadia thought to herself, with a confused look on her face.