[CENTER][img]http://i.imgur.com/484ehr5.jpg?2[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/M5RCUMM.png[/img] [/CENTER] [INDENT][HIDER=A Beautiful Butterfly][INDENT][INDENT][CENTER][img]http://i.imgur.com/zY90jcp.jpg?1[/img] [SUB][color=f49ac2][b]Height:[/b][/color] 238 centimeters | [color=f49ac2][b]Weight:[/b][/color] 149 kilograms[/SUB][/CENTER][b][color=f49ac2]Name:[/color][/b] Daisy [b][color=f49ac2]Gender:[/color][/b] Female [b][color=f49ac2]Age:[/color][/b] Twenty One [b][color=f49ac2]Species:[/color][/b] Human [b][color=f49ac2]Devil Fruit:[/color][/b] [url=http://onepiece.wikia.com/wiki/Pero_Pero_no_Mi]Lick Lick Fruit[/url] [INDENT]After eating the Lick Lick Fruit, Daisy gained the ability to produce and manipulate various types of candy and make use of their exaggerated properties in a myriad of ways. Examples of which would include binding or restricting movements with taffy or bubblegum, blocking blows with hardened candy, or dropping massive jawbreakers on top of her enemies. Like most candy, the one's Daisy produces are still edible and susceptible to extreme heat.[/INDENT] [b][color=f49ac2]Weapons:[/color][/b] None [b][color=f49ac2]Skills/Abilities:[/color][/b] [LIST][*][color=f49ac2][i]Young Maiden:[/i][/color] Given her trash-scavenging background, history of extreme violence, and ultimate quest for power, Daisy has developed incredible physical strength, stamina, and endurance befitting of a lovely lady such as herself. [*][color=f49ac2][i]Sweet Tooth:[/i][/color] Influenced by the powers granted to her by her Devil Fruit, Daisy has developed a certain affinity and fondness towards various types of sweets. Her knowledge on pastries and confectioneries is definitely impressive and continues to improve with every new morsel she learns or partakes of. [*][color=f49ac2][i]Womanly Fortitude:[/i][/color] Growing up in a landfill-like island left Daisy with little to no options when it came to her choice of sustenance. Despite this, not only has she developed a physique that is pleasing to the eyes, Daisy's body is also capable of resisting and tolerating rancid, toxic, and putrid substances. [/LIST] [b][color=f49ac2]Background:[/color][/b][INDENT]Daisy has no recollection whatsoever of who or what her real family was like. Her earliest memories were finding herself washed up on a dump of an island. It literally was a dumping ground and for all Daisy knew, it may not even have an actual name. It was just a place where things were disposed of whether that was garbage, ships, or even people. Daisy wasn't alone on the trash-filled island, and despite being not overly populated, it had its fare share of people. Most of them were petty criminals who had mediocre bounties and were to scared to do anything. Some were running for other reasons that would most likely have been equally cowardly if Daisy had cared to learn them. The rest were just pickers who sorted through the trash for anything of value. Basically, everyone was weak and Daisy knew that from even a young age. She wasn't much either compared to them since she was just a child. They had bullied her and treated her like a novel possession who they could make do chores and run errands. She was weak then and she hated it. They were stronger though and so they could do what they wanted. Then the though had suddenly occured to her, what if she was stronger? She could do what she wanted to them then, right? It made sense to her child-like mind. Young Daisy worked and trained to become strong. Eventually, she realized she was strong all along. Yes, even as a tiny little girl she had insane amounts of potential. And with the help of the abilities Daisy had acquired from a bitter-tasting fruit she had found underneath piles of trash, her progress happened not as a slow climb, but leaps and bounds that quickly brought her to the pillar of power on her island. Those that passed through the area would hear tales of a girl tyrant who ruled a kingdom of trash with a sugar-coated fist and laughed, but none who lived beneath her rule would share in the mockery. Daisy had come in to her strength and would only grow stronger and larger as time passed. She repaid slights in kind. She took what she wanted. She did as she please. Daisy was the strongest and it was only fair that everything should belong to her. Life was pretty great for Daisy until a pirate ship crashed onto her kingdom's shores one stormy night. The survivors clamored into her domain like clumsy oafs demanding treatment as they shakily waved about their weapons. Daisy wasn't afraid of them though, she was the strongest and so had nothing to fear from those weaker than her. She beat them down and took from them everything. Which wasn't much; they weren't very good pirates. What they did have were stories of a world of things she had never encountered. Suddenly, her island seemed incredibly small and unimportant. She was far too large a fish in this small pond. Daisy needed to reach bigger waters or else she'd never become more than she was right now. Crafting a raft made of garbage and candy, Daisy set out to conquer the world without so much as a sliver of doubt. The world would provide her a way. After all, the world serves the strong.[/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/HIDER][/INDENT]