So what I'm really craving ATM is a good hero story! The basic concept I have in mind is there's a group of friends (a couple of guys and a girl) who are entering either their senior year of high school. They've been friends since all the way back in kindergarten and, over the years, feelings have of course emerged. Basically, the girl liked one of the guys, but he didn't like her back so she never said anything and your character liked her but never said anything because he knew about her crush on the other guy, typical cliche school drama. So it's the first day back of their last year of school and the girl discovers that over the summer her crush had gotten a girlfriend. Your character steps in to comfort her and they start hanging out more frequently than usual, figuring it was the last year of school anyway he decides to just bite the bullet and ask her out. She says yes but that's when things start to get really complicated. Essentially your character has been leading a double life for a few years now and is a well-known vigilante of the city and it's getting harder and harder to keep his double life secret as they grow closer, not to mention keeping her safe as she and his vigilante alter ego grow closer. This was... horribly written, I apologise, but that's the basic sum of it. And plot ideas or suggestions are welcome. I'm hoping to steer away from 'super powers' for this one but I'd be willing to accept an enhanced human or just a regular guy trying to make a difference :) -I tend to post roughly 300-600 words per post and would like something similar from you -I would like to RP over PM but I can be persuaded to do it over thread -Can range from fairly PG to M -Please PM with any interest or question :)