Samara stared at the floor of their new holding cell, her fist clenched at her side while Ki'te blubbered on in a panic. Her lip curled back in contempt - she knew what this was. Since the first day they showed up, most of the people in the group were singled out for being former criminals or mountain natives. It didn't matter how much leadership she'd shown in training, how much skill... It didn't even matter that she was elevated early to Corporal for all of these things. No, it was so naive that they thought they'd be treated as regular soldiers once they graduated. Whether she was planning on leaving and taking Ki'te and Koto away from here didn't matter, but this was adding to the funeral pyre that was her horribly diminished view of this wretched civilization. She slammed her fit into the wall and pushed out of her lean. "God dammit. They can't keep treating us like this. They round us up like dogs... They treat us like garbage... They take away the one thing we were promised - a choice if we worked hard enough. They all deserve to die, I don't care anymore. The first chance I get, I'm outta here." Her eyes moved to Ki'te and Koto, "I promise, I'll get us away from these... monsters," The young woman sneered, beginning to pace. Meanwhile, Koto stared at the other end of the room, leaning on the wall with his arms crossed. His brow was furrowed tightly... How had he failed so miserably? Ki'te was supposed to look up to him and he didn't even make the top ten with them. Not that it mattered - technically, none of them were top ten, they were removed from the pecking order. Samara was giving another one of her 'fuck the man' speeches and he mostly blocked it out. They were stuck like this, with these people. They wouldn't last long either, from what rumours he'd heard of this assignment, they were all Titan food. "Yeah, Sama, I'm sure we'll be home in the year," He said, trying to conceal his patronizing tone. He just held his glare out across the room. He was more concerned with his sister as he realized she'd been panicking. Taking a knee, Koto looked her over and met her gaze. "Hey, Ki'te, of course you didn't fail. You two did amazing... Sama's right, they're just... this is the way they treat us. We were childish to think they'd be fair after three years of training and hard work... They're just awful people..." They sat in silence for a while longer. It's hard to tell how long, could've been minutes or days or weeks, who knew? The door opened and a loud whistle split the room and caught everybody's attention. "Listen up!" A voice, which undoubtedly belonged to a female, called out. "My name's Sergeant Ekkehardt, I'm your new supervisor, c'mon. I'll take you guys to your new assignment." She turned on her heel and expected them all to follow. The guards posted at the door would be taking up the tail end - they were a pair of privates from the 72nd as well. They'd keep the uniformed group of cadets together. Samara's eyes fell on the woman, Sergeant Ekkehardt, and she sucked the inside of her cheek. Interesting woman, she had a way of commanding, a dignity about her. She was powerful, Samara even thought for a moment that the woman would be scary if she weren't from the cowards' kingdom inside these walls. Then, the woman shifted gears, shouting back, "Private Reacher, up front, you lead the way. C'mon, let's go!" She ordered as the boy scurried to the front and took the helm. Then, she fell back into the ranks, seeking out the small handful of recruits who she was told came from the mountains - the non-criminals. Finally, she settled on them, tapped each on the shoulder, "Come with me, I'm gonna walk you separately from them," She instructed, leading them down a different route to the battalion. As they walked together, she gave them the same speech she had every conscript from the outer villages. "Look, I know where you're all coming from and how confusing all of this is. It sucks, I know. You might want to desert or leave, can't say it's hard to do with us either. I do warn you though, most of the runaways, no matter how big their group, we always end up finding their bodies, or what remains of them, within the week. I'm not going to lie to you, this is among the most dangerous assignments you can get, but sticking with the group means you'll survive. You'll find others like you. You'll find brothers and sisters here, I promise you that. No matter where we came from, none of us feel like we work for the king or the government once we leave the walls. We put on a happy face here and then leave behind all of these cowards and bureaucrats. Alright? So... I know this isn't going to do much to quell your determination to leave, but... I just think it's only fair to warn you. And if you desert and somehow survive, and I find you? I'll remove your heads myself," She finished venomously, glancing back and meeting each of their respective eyes. It didn't look one bit like they were kidding. They just took a different route from the other group of recruits and arrived roughly at the same time. Ava gestured out to the temporary barracks that were more or less large tents with quickly constructed bedframes and mattresses inside. It wasn't much, but of course, they were never here for long, were they? "Alright, you guys actually got assigned to me, so... If you have questions or anything, let me know, okay? I don't like my soldiers dying, so that's rule number one: don't die. If you get to the logistics tent over there," She started, pointing, "You'll be able to get your new jackets, trade in your cadet ones because they'll wanna re-use them for the next classes. You'll get the survey corps symbol and you'll be issued two coats and your 3ODM equipment. I've got some business to tend to, so... I'll be around. Find me if you need something." With that, Ava began to walk away, already barking out orders to anybody who wasn't working on something they should be or who was wasting the air of their fellow soldiers.