[@Oddsbod] [@agentnumalol] [@FrozenEcstasy] [@DracoLunaris] [@redbaron1234] Happy 4th of July everyone that's relevant too. I decided to get up a post and finally show off the loot roll results while nudging things forward a bit. [@KaiserElectric] Erase the stand in text for Starting Equipment. "All characters in this roleplay start with the most minimal amount of gear possible..." est, est. It doesn't need to be on a finished character sheet. Beyond that Poppy is perfectly fine. Normally I'd be a bit iffy regarding her half-decent start equipment, but it balances out. Like the Merchant and the Dragonborn's human carry mule, Poppy should show up at the start of the first mission. So once the group leaves town and I roll for a location you can post. Having everyone try to cram into the introduction late won't work out.