The court room erupted into commotion, mostly voices objecting to Davis's claim. They ofter overlapped, and while their words couldn't be clearly heard, their disagreement was evident. Davis only needed to say one word to lower everyone's voice. “Really?” Davis no longer looked like a deranged person, or even himself. He had a cold, piercing gaze. His entire stance changed. His posture was perfect, and he held his sword out of sight. “Not a single one of you can tell me why it wasn't Krista? But you're all prepared to tell me I'm wrong?” Davis shot Mary a wink. "Except for you. at least you're asking interesting questions. But the rest of you?" He slowly reverted back into a crazy spartan with a chuckle. “If not Krista, than who? Of all your friends that you've been paling around with, which one of them could have done it?” Davis placed his sword on the podium and looked at everyone. “Call me what you like, throw around Mondatta's name, but I'm just here for one thing: Infinite conquest!” A smile stretched across the disheveled man's face. "As Marianne said, the murderer could not have taken place more than an hour ago. But this makes a fatal assumption. That assumption being that Krista was knocked out at the same time Mondatta was killed.” Davis pointed at Krista with his sword. “She could have killed Mondatta, then banged her head on the wall she was propped up against.” Aleecia was holding her chin. “That's possible.” She looked up. “But then how did she kill Mondatta?” “Because of Max's rule, Mondatta and Krista were alone.” Davis took hold of the podium, still holding his sword. “So she could have taken him into the caves. Once they were alone, she might have had a weapon ready to attack him with...” “The knife!” Bliss chirped. “The handbook says the wrapper was in Krista's room!” Davis continued. “She would have been unable to breach his armor, and shoving Mondatta into a stalagmite could be the killing blow.” Calvin's fists were shaking. “there's no way Krista did it, and you know it!” Perfection smirked. “Why? Do you?”