[quote=@The 42nd Gecko] [@KoL] Heh, this'll be a fun dungeon for Alexi. Helena: "And now I will steal your memories and sense of self!" Alexi: "Our what now?" Helena: "You know, your memories? The things you remember?" Alexi: "What?" Helena: "...And, you know, your sense of self, how you make decisions and have a will?" Alexi: "That doesn't sound like something we do very often. But we wouldn't know!" Helena: "... Do you want your memories back or not?" Alexi: "My what?" Helena: "Ok, eldtrich horror, just eat this one." [/quote] Remember the part about to lose is to find and to find is to lose? If Alexi went there, she would end up getting a lot more of mental clarity than you are trying to make it sound like. This is supposed to help your characters develop as they explore their minds, not the contrary. Or so was the original idea. In other words, if you have Alexi go there, her own backstory has plenty of information for us to use in that Dungeon. Whether she grows from it or not, is you choice as is the very act of adding her to the battle. [quote=@The 42nd Gecko] Also, question everybody. This is supposed to be a last man standing fight... But why exactly are we fighting? I mean, we're all coming here to find Helena, so, is there any reason to actually attack one another? [/quote] Read the text right and you'll see that you don't. That said, the victory conditions are for anyone who wants to be considered victorious, otherwise his will be just a draw. Furthermore, would you trust your worst enemy to not stab you in the back as soon as both of you are done with the thing that unifies you, if you give them the chance to?