[img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170304/77a80daa7e198b15d909db83a6f07eb4.png[/img] Caora couldnt believe what he was hearing. He tried... He really tried to stop himself. Oh, who are we kidding? He wasnt holding back at all. He just absolutely flipped out, temporarily forgetting the trial. [color=hotpink]"Hey, you big dumb meanie! Nanna was doing her bestest!"[/color] he squeled in that lyrical, girlish way of his. [color=hotpink]"You didnt help Mr Monk either! You shpuld, like, think about trying to find the guy who bonked him instead of being a dumb, smelly, stupid BULLY!"[/color] The little crossdresser had turned bright red. How DARE she speak to Miss Buckley like that!? She was being super rude and mean and nasty for, like, no reason! Wasnt the game to find out who beat up Mr Monk, not to be the dumbest meanie! All the blood rushing through him got his mind buzzing. And when his mind started buzzing, funny things started happening. All the others would see is him clutching the side of his head and whimpering. [color=hotpink]"Shut up... Shut up, shut up, shut UP!"[/color] he repeated to himself...