[center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/SFAKTmI.jpg[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170617/f3d9042109dbd72dc7fe2f567e292c24.png[/img] [sub]{[color=4169E1]"And when I breathed, my breath was lightning."[/color]} - Black Elk Interacting With: | [url=http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=223926060]outfit[/url][/sub] [/center][hr][hr] Jazmine raised her brow and frowned when the young girl gripped her wrist. Was her hand...wet? If she hadn't guessed it before, it now became crystal clear: Kassandra was not from around here. Nevertheless, Jaz forced a smile and nodded her head. [color=4169E1]"Girl, you're supposed to shake my hand,"[/color] she said, grabbing the girls hand and placing it in her own, [color=4169E1]"like this."[/color] She was about to say more when another redhead woman, the third she'd seen in a matter of minutes, bumped into Kassandra. The collision caused the young redhead to fall to the ground, a patch of ice forming on the ground to break her fall. Jazmine stared blankly at the two young ladies for a brief moment, listening as they both spewed apologies. Next, she picked up her duffel from the ground, muttering a quick [color=4169E1]"I'll catch you later,"[/color] to Kassandra before turning on her heels and walking away. She'd only been at the Academy for a few minutes, but was already beginning to feel rather bored. After her strange interaction with the girl who smelled faintly of seawater, Jazmine had no intention of striking up conversation with another, wanting to avoid any more awkward encounters. Instead, she returned back to her original spot, scooping up Salem in her arms. [color=4169E1]"So are they just gonna make us wait out here all day?"[/color] Jaz wondered aloud, scratching the cat behind his ears, [color=4169E1]"they need to hurry the hell up, isn't that right Sal?"[/color] She probably looked a bit odd, talking to a cat instead of socializing with other students, but she didn't rightfully care. She did not come to the academy to make friends; she came to train, to better herself. Friendship was unnecessary.