[h1]Aries[/h1] To put it bluntly, Aries was confused at the series of events that had unfolded around him. The first thing that he saw, along with the two girls that he was accompanying was a Samurai clad in red armour, pleading to the adventurers to help him in return for a large amount of riches. Aries knew what it was almost instantaneously the moment that Oni were mentioned. It was an event that many adventurers had done when the game had still existed, and he had read somewhere about an event that occurred when it hadn't been completed, yet he had never seen it even when staring in front of his PC, rather than in real life, so he was quite interested to see if some new content could catch his eye. Aries was fairly sure that they were all thinking the same thing when Meren spoke. She proposed that they get along and form a party for the event, which in honesty, he did have qualms with but due to the circumstances and his seemingly endless depth of boredom, he couldn't bring himself to refuse the offer. Meren had put him on DPS duty, which was obvious given his class, whilst those had to be tanking. He didn't feel comfortable leaving the women to take the hits, and although this wasn't the real world, he felt as if it was extremely un-masculine, making him feel uneasy. She proposed that they find some more party members, which whilst he wasn't opposed to, he was scared of what they could possibly find given what they seemed to focus on. That is when he noticed Matsuko speaking to an assassin after a short word to the party. He looked extremely odd, somebody with the butler subclass that was donned in a suit. He seemed to speak in a spanish accent and he shared the same class as him, even though they seemed to play completely different builds and held different weapons. He figured that a team with 2 assassins would be overly stacked with squishy characters, but he did not feel like complaining, as it would slow the process of actually getting to the raid down, and he did not wish for that to occur. He had been aching to hit something all day. The events that unfolded after became seemingly more ridiculous as one of Meren's acquaintances seemed to notice her and greet her, and she did not look like somebody Aries would get along with. A hyperactive foxtail, but he didn't have any complaints about a high level bard joining the party. He figured that what was needed within the party was another support. The team seemed to have enough tank and damage, so something that enhanced both would be quite useful to attaining victory. If they were to obtain one more piece to the puzzle, he figured they'd be ready to go. "Our party is nearly full now, it seems. Perhaps we should look for a final member to complete our group. That'd be the best course of action in my opinion." Aries spoke in an almost neutral tone. He didn't really feel much emotion in the current situation, so his voice came out rather dry and unimposing.