[img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170304/77a80daa7e198b15d909db83a6f07eb4.png[/img] Only a pretend investigator..? Yeah... that made sense... who was he to think he could help anyone..? He was useless... a dumb, stupid brat who thought he knew better than everyone else... a biological waste... everyone would be better without him... The boy trembled. His face darkened. His body sagged, like the very act of keeping himself standing was an effort. He wasnt even holding on to Fang... [color=hotpink]"Heh... you... Big... dumb... STUPID MORON OF A NUTMEG!"[/color] The fury in his voice was unprecedented from someone so small! [color=hotpink]"If it was only Krista and Mr Monk, then where are Mr Monk's footprints, huh? Mr Monk's footprints arent there, but the other two are! Why would someone want to wipe away his footprints when they knew they couldnt get him out? The only reason that someone would wipe the footprints away... was if they didnt want anyone to know they had gone in there in the first place!"[/color] The fire returned to the boy and he stood up straight. He had it! This was the right track! [color=hotpink]"The only reason someone would wipe away footprints is to stop someone knowing they went in, right? And Krista isnt a dummy like you, Mr Conquest! Mr Monk's body was still there, but so were her footieprints! Why wipe Mr Monk's away when she knew that he was gonna be there anyway, and not wipe her own? That's waaaay too dumb! Since Mr Monk couldnt be moved... the only person who would have wiped Mr Monk's footprints away was Mr Monk himself!"[/color] He gasped at his own theory. Was he really saying what he thought he was saying [color=hotpink]"If his footieprints are wiped away, but he is still there, then he would be found anyway! The only reason to wipe bootieprints away would be to look like you wasnt there! So...if Mr Monk went in, wiped his prints and went out, wiping his prints again, then no one would ever know he went in there! Not only that, but by wiping his prints in going in, he made it look like no one was in the cave, and luring someone in cause they think the cave is empty, like a fish![b] Mr Monk is the only person who would have a reason to get rid of his own footprints and not someone else's!"[/b][/color] [color=hotpink]"[b]Krissy, the one who attacked you was none other than Mr Monk himself![/b] If Mr Monk attacked Krissy, someone might have heard and ran in. If they saw Krissy knocked out, they might have tried to save her... and killed Mr Monk! That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Unless you have some reason why Mr Monk's footprints werent there, Mr Conquest?"[/color]