[Center][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/170520/26dced8723ed582634a3ba47edccd7b1.png[/img][/center] Alice had lifted her head up to watch Marianne as she made a certifiable yet psycotic claim that Bliss killed Mondatta. The sight of the herbalist cussing the poor nanny out was terrifying to watch, mad as a hatter she was. For Alice though, the thought of having to go through life like this was like a twisted version of Wonderland. And they were all mad there, as the saying goes. As Davis stood up for the nanny against Marianne, she looked at the amused Monokuma in curiosity before leaning over her podium to get Bliss' attention, cause after that Alice was worried for the poor girl. [Color=9e0039]"Hey? Are you alright, Ms. Bliss?"[/color] She asked the infinite nanny, a look of concern on her face. At that rate, she would need to get some migrane medicine, or just a simple nap, either one would have sufficed. Alice layed her head back down, taking deep breaths to keep her mind steady. She thought hard on who or what the evidence would link to, but nothing seemed to click for her. The sudden outburst from the infinite conquest didnt help her, nor did her headache, Marianne, or Dr. Killgood.