[b]Alicia Hayden[/b] Daily life continued on for one Alicia Hayden as it normally did. She went to school, did her extracurricular activities, helped out around the house, and made sure to stay on top of everything so her parents wouldn't be overly concerned on those occasions when Beacon business resulted in her staying out late or something like that. It made things easier on her, even if her parents were safe because of Beacon. Not at the moment however. Instead she was taking some time out after school to handle Organization business. Not that kind that would involve fighting monsters or magical girls though, which made for a nice change of pace. Looking around the room, Alicia couldn't help but smile at seeing the various girls gathered here in one of the Community Centers that Beacon operated. It was a place where the girls could get together and interact, train, study, and do anything else that they might need, in each others company in the process. It made sense after all. Beacon was an organization founded on a common purpose, a sisterhood that relied on each other and supported each other. Places like these existed to give magical girls the help that they needed, and to give them the time to get to know each other. They couldn't exactly do that on the job. It also helped coordinate teams as well as patrol routes, meaning Beacon could operate more efficiently as a whole. A stroke of the pencil put an end to hr remaining homework for the day, meaning that now she could actually mingle with her fellow magical girls. Her homework was put away and then she rose from her seat, nodding to the other girls in the room before moving to other parts of the center. "Hey Zoe," she said with a wave to the black haired girl running past her in the hallway, forcing her to dodge to the side. Zoe turned around to wave back, slowing only for a few moments. "Hey Alicia, gotta go talk to you later." With that she was gone, leaving Alicia to continue onwards. It could have been worse. A chuckle escaped as she shook her head, moving into one of the other common rooms. "Oh, Caren. How're you doing?" Entering she found another familiar magical girl nearby, with dark brown hair and purple highlights. They'd hung out before, though not recently. Sh thought they got along pretty well too. Her presence certainly caused a bright smile to come to Caren's face as she turned from what she had been doing to step closer. "Hey Alicia, you're just in time." Now that was interesting, though it wasn't particularly worrying. If she didn't need her, then there were plenty of other girls here who could help out. "Oh, what is it?" She was at least eager to find out what Caren needed her for. Hopefully she could be of help,even if it didn't end up being all that fun. Caren came to a stop, giving Alicia a small bow before she explained what she wanted. "I was actually hoping I could get your help. I'm trying to refine my technique, but it feels like I'm missing something in the range aspect. You think you could lend me a hand?" Alicia was a good archer, and it wasn't a secret. This would not be the first time that she had helped people out with their shooting. "Sure," Alicia confirmed happily. "Let's go to the training range." Caren nodded, and together the two of them headed up to the roof, where targets were set up for people to practice on. There were also bows nearby, provided by the Beacon at a low cost so girls could work on it without using their magic. Walking over, she passed Caren a bow and an arrow before stepping back. "Alright, show me how you usually o it," she said with her arms folded across her chest. Just another day in the life of a magical girl.