Noting the somber tone the gnome bequeathed, when mentioning his acquaintance of the [i]Green Man[/i], the reborn warlock exhaled an angst of suspicion. His testimony reeked of mournful homilies and funeral dirges, as if his comrade was already sacrificed to the pyre of darkness. Still, the wizard hinted to his lasting existence, an obviating reference to the remaining survivors of this dearth of a town. Perhaps, he was not his pal at all, conceivably a foreigner as no name hinged upon his previous description. The bite-sized mage unfortunately offered no respite for further contemplation as his fluttering robes scurried down the cobbled rue. [b]“We can’t stay here!”[/b] Wick would give chase, but first, while touching her fleece, her head nodded to her Beloved to venture thinly ahead. She then provided some slighted insight to their supposed tour guide, in a polite, hushed pitch. [color=ec008c]“Little one, we must now hide in whispers. Not bellow like thunder.”[/color] Before trotting inaudibly to physically meet their new forged ally, the hands of the cleric reached out to ornament the shoulder of Thea, adorning the paladin and her armor with divine assistance. [color=ec008c]“Conduct the path, friend, but only together will we orchestrate its muted music."[/color] Her chin continued to glance down the brim chapeau, swinging agape to allow another soft murmur to escape. [color=ec008c]"If one rushes, henceforth, silence must follow, with foresight leading.”[/color] [hider=Effects:] Wick uses [i]Minor Illusion[/i] to whisper to Birbin, to be a little quieter when guiding the party further into town. Wick then casts [i]Guidance[/i] on Thea, with a benefit of [url=]+4[/url] to Stealth, as she may require it since she is in disadvantaged full plate. Wick rolls a [url=]19[/url] for Stealth. [/hider] [@Big Dread], [@Cu Chulainn], [@Hekazu], [@JBRam2002], [@Zverda], [@The Harbinger of Ferocity]