Across the wastes, there came a clattering, an irregular [i]takkatakkatak[/i] of rusted metal grinding against itself. The dusty road had gently merged with another in a simple Y, and down the other tributary there came another lone figure. They less pulled and more dragged a rusty child's wagon behind them. Its paint had long since faded, but it was still sturdy, and capable of carrying reasonably heavy loads. Fittingly, that was precisely what it was doing now. It was piled high with something or other, and covered with a stained burlap tarp. The wagon wasn't the greatest thing in the world, but it served its function effectively. Pulling the wagon was a strange individual. One who, by the look of them, had next to no business being anywhere near the Ashlands. To the outside observer, the injured figure and this newcomer would seem a study in contrasts. Where the first figure was shabby and stained, the second was immaculately clean, and dressed almost like a general. Where the first was featureless and gray, the second was clad in bold, obvious primaries. Where the first shuffled, almost shambled, the second ambled carelessly, their feet gliding effortlessly through the Ash. In fact, near the only thing that these two figures had in common was that they were headed the same direction. The second figure tilted its head to the side to observe the first. They were wearing a concealing, tight-fitting mask that covered their entire head. It looked like it was made of some kind of latex that had been made to look like porcelain, and it was carved in the shape of a wide, deep smile. The second figure cocked their head to the side so that their smile, such as it was, caught the sunlight. The most obvious practical upshot of wearing a mask, of course, was that no one could tell whether they were actually smiling or not. Still, it appeared that they were, and so when the second figure raised their arm above their head and waved dramatically to the newfound traveling companion, there was an air of cordiality, even friendliness. They said nothing, but still, the air of friendliness was there. And if they were, in fact, unsettled by the facts that this person was clearly unprepared for the world they found themselves in, hurt and bleeding green, inhuman ichor... ...well, again, that was the advantage of wearing a mask. [@VitoftheVoid]