[quote=@Member 00492] I get why he has the powers, and that he's supposed to be like the Spectre and Phantom Stranger. However both of those characters are too powerful and would have to be dumbed down to work in this as well. He can hurl lightning, move stuff with his mind, enhance his melee strikes, cause shock waves, create stuff, heal people, and sense the supernatural. That's basically everything a GL can do plus a couple powers. He's also too young. If you'd be willing to cut the powers down for now, if this RP lasts awhile and we have enough missions his character evolution could be gaining some of the abilities later on. He'd still need to be aged up to 20-21 though. I'd make creating stuff, shock waves, and healing people come later. -00492 [/quote] I get that but his powers are not that high in power level. You have to take into account the strength of his powers and not just the number. Also he is basically as vulnerable as a normal person in terms of defense