All, right so here it goes: Hello! My (screen)name is Beliael, but you can also call me Nikki. I'm an eighteen-year-old living in a flyover Midwestern state. Not much, to say, really. I love reading and I used to write frequently, but I've fallen out of the habit since I graduated. I've never roleplayed before, but one of my friends used to and told me I should find a forum and try it out. I really would like to start writing more and need to find a way to fill my empty evening/night hours, so here I am! Truly, I'm the biggest newbie anyone could possibly be. I've read a lot of stuff online about roleplaying and think 1x1s would suit me best, but other than that I've got nothing. I know I definitely want to become a "literate" roleplayer, but I know that probably won't happen over night. [i]Oh! I forgot this the first time I wrote this: please send any roleplaying advice you have to me! I've done a lot of reading but that obviously doesn't compare to a conversation with someone who knows what they're doing.[/i] I guess my only real expectation is to learn, grow, and meet some awesome people to help me make it through this summer with my sanity intact! /end of awkward introduction