[@Weird Tales] It's still too many powers too early on and every single one of them impact a battle greatly except for maybe God's Eye. This RP will have episodic like missions and having somebody that can do that much makes it pointless to have a team around, vulnerable or not. You could make the Spectre a half naked human in green underoos and SUPER vulnerable but if he could still create stuff, alter reality, become intangible, fly, speak to deities, become invisible, had omnipotent physical strength, cosmic awareness, etc... it'd still be too much. I explained earlier why I always take Green Lanterns out of the picture because how out of hand their power levels can be. And I specifically stated not to get too nuts with powers. And you give me 'four categories'. If more of the powers had less effect on the battle field it wouldn't be as bad. Like I said though, every one of them is for the battle field save for one. Doesn't matter if he's more or less human than Jesus Christ, a near-God level power player isn't what I'm looking for. I tried to compromise with letting you pick up a few powers in later missions. If you're not willing to compromise then I'm sorry but it's not gonna get accepted. -00492