Cyrdic ate his fill. He wasn't used to eating in the manner of polite company, but he did not fling food around like some barbarian either, and realize there were two rather attractive looking women close to him. He placed a closed fist to his broad chest and bumped it a bit to help the food ease down. He guessed he had eaten a bit fast, but he hadn't truly been served food in a very long time. The ale was fine, if a bit hearty. Though truth be told, that was just how he enjoyed his ale. Perhaps the two outlaws could actually relax without worry. He was certainly feeling much more sore after the long road, and the hike up the mountain. Even he had to rest sometime. The maid strode back and forth, always seeming to be just next to Cyrdic whenever he turned his head. Of course Cyrdic was a bit dense when it came to such things, so he simply though the service here was very good. Though when she fluttered her lashes, he couldn't help but notice. He'd been so focused on the food, after all. [i]Oh well, nothing usually comes of such things[/i], he told himself. "Yes, I'd love a bath," he said. "If you could heat the water as well, that would be very fine." He told her, and placed a silver crown on the table for her as a tip. [@Penny]