Camilla's mind was on the waitress while Osfurth talked. The girl was clearly a little irritated that Cydric had rebuffed what she had clearly meant as an invitation. Why had she thought that such an invitation might succeed though. The girl was pretty enough but she wasn't on the same level that Camilla was. The Tilean had been taught that she was beautiful and as such didn't suffer the same pangs of uncertainty that other women seemed to about the matter. To her it was a resource, she had a sword, she had three days rations, she was beautiful, but that same awareness tended to blind her to the struggles of others. Did the girl fancy herself the queen of the tavern perhaps and want to make a show of tempting Cydric to ... the thought trailed off as she realised they had reached a lull in the conversation. Her mind obediently played back the last few seconds. [b]"A ball?"[/b] she said, her face lighting with enthusiasm at the notion of a formal get together. She would take Cydric of course, but they would need to get new clothes and find a dress maker. What was court fashion here in Middenheim and... she noticed that neither Osfurth or Cydric seemed to be sharing her enthusiasm and she stilled herself. [b]"Yes well, I trust the matter of the warpstone will remain confidential,"[/b] Osfurth huffed. The emphasis he placed on the word suggested an or else that Camilla found strangely authoritative for such a non threatening looking man. He came to his feet and produced a parchment. [b]"This is an authorization for you to be in the palace at the Graf's behest. As far as the public story goes his niece is fond of you and wants to be regaled with tales of adventures for a few more days before you depart. Please dont use it unless you have to. If you need to contact me, leave word with the guards that you have to discuss the ball with me, that should make an adequate ruse don't you think."[/b] Camilla nodded her head in acceptance. Osfurth pushed himself to his feet. [b]"I will leave you to it then, I cannot be absent long."[/b] And with that the strange man was gone from the room. Camilla listened to his footsteps as they went down the stairs. [b]"Reiner,"[/b] she began, noticing the mans somber expression.Thoughts of dresses slowly bleeding from her mind. [b]"What is warp stone exactly?"[/b]