[@VKAllen] You trip over nothing (as people sometimes do) and stumble out into the corridor. The corridor is well lit by sconces every few feet down the corridor. To your left is a deadend a single door on the back side of the manor, it has a highly polished silver handle. To your right the corridor stretches the length of the manor. Halfway down the corridor is a double stair case that is unfortunately blocked by two guards who are currently staring at you. (Roll for initiative) further past the guards there are 2 doors on the left and 2 doors on the right of the corridor, they all have brass handles. The area by the stairs where the guards were has a card table and chairs (they were already standing as they waited to see if anyone made it past the front door after the goliaths knock). You do have other options in almost every encounter aside from fighting. You can attempt to flee or you can attempt to talk them out of fighting you (to varying degrees of success)