Meesei's eyes readjusted to a light considerably dim in comparison to the Alik'r desert. Not only was she indoors, but the window shed light from a grey, overcast sky outside. Lunise sat on a large bed in front of her, one hand on the other in her lap. She was in her uniform, as was usual for her occupation. The rest of the room was a guest room, somewhat austere in decor but still large enough and well furnished to befit a Dominion official. Lunise stood up, smiled, and stepped up to Meesei to give her a hug and a quick kiss. Though it had been difficult to notice the change, Lunise had progressed from having difficulty dropping her official veneer to outright shedding on sight of Meesei's arrival. "Greetings, Meesei," she said. One of her hands loosely clutched Meesei's shoulder. "You are warm today. Did you just step out from the sun?"