[@Pyromaniacwolf] Alright, nicely posted. You're heading back, the other two heads forward. [@Eklispe][@Pikmin Eye] Just to check, but you're both alright with Lucian splitting off, or are you going to change your action because of this? ... And Pikmin, which two people are you wishing to catch up to? I must admit I got a little confused there. Oh, well. [@Joshua Tamashii] Ooooh, so you're heading towards Silent Shrine... THROUGH the Silent Forest? ... Heh. Well. Alright, then. I will mention that the road to the Silent Shrine is from Highhill Town, that's the intended actually made route which is likely easier to navigate than just pushing on through sheer forest. You're going off the recommended routes on that one. Or did you intend on taking that route, just not entering Highhill Town? I think I want a little clarification. Regardless. Nicely posted.