[b][H2][Center][color=steelblue]Henry Pearl Avaritia The 2nd[/color][/center][/H2][/b] Henry grunted as the parasol was impaled into him, but he kept his cocky grin up and just yanked the parasol out, already filling in the missing flesh and organs with his Silver Eyes. Or he would've if Francisca hasn't touched him with her want and healed him. [color=goldenrod]"Hey Henry, I got a crazy idea. Why don't we go into this place and see if there's a new home for us? Hell's nice and all but I think it's high time we find a new neighborhood."[/color] Henry stayed silent at that, only giving a small nod in acknowledgement. Of all the people to wise up, he wasn't expecting her to. But it was a welcome sight to see others leaving this actual hell alongside him. He stepped through the portal and found himself in a prison, azure fog all around him. As he looked around initially he saw something that almost reminded him of something, a wolf girl... [color=steelblue]"Hey you! Who are you?[/color] He asked as she turned to run away from him into the dungeons. [Color=steelblue]"Stop god damnit!"[/color] He chased after her, pulling his sword out to maybe cut her legs off. Henry lost sight of her unfortunately, leaving Him to wander around and contemplate his new freedom. After this was over he was gonna have to drop by his castle and pick up his dogs. Maybe burn down the castle while he's at it, don't want anyone else using it. Used to be his father's castle. Never did like the old bastard. A noise reminiscent of a twig snapping popped up behind Henry and turned, fully expecting someone to try and kill him. Nothing. He relaxed, chilling at his paranoia. Weird how before all this he wouldn't have even flinched at someone trying to sneak up on him. Makes sense though, nowadays someone sneaking up on him could be an actual threat considering the foes he's fought. The World Snake, the Queen of the Machina, probably the Queen of the Demons at some point. Makes him miss the old days when he was just another soldier under his father, cutting down foes left and right. Suddenly Henry turned once more to block an angel dressed in armor trying to cut him down. Henry kicked them hard in the gut and then beheaded them as they staggered backwards. The head rolled for a second, stopping with the face frozen in horror facing upwards. [Color=steelblue]"What the fuck?"[/color] He recognized that face. Nobody could really forget the first person they ever killed.