Everything was slient. Vivian's eyes were set on the ceiling of the rocky cavern, The divine voices in her head would've told her to make a funny one liner, but the voices were oddly silent, instead of the usual happiness she felt another, water appeared around her eyes, she rubbed the water out of her eyes only to have it appear again, dripping down her face. [i]Are these tears?[/i] her thoughts quizzed. she wanted to think happy things, she wished the divine voices would come back and tell her to suck it up and smile, but instead she only thought of the bad jokes of her dead friends constantly made. The voices of her parents obnoxious laugh laughing, the hideous sound of a violin that she was forced to practice with. And she realized how beautiful they sounded, and that she'd never hear it again. She looked up, she had to move on, lying on the ground wallowing in self-pity would give her nothing but watery eyes, She looked up and saw Greg mouthing something along the lines of being ok, [b]I'm alive, there's that[/b] She told Greg. [@Silvir] [@Godlikeblade][@The Jest]