Alina booked it down the hallway as fast as she could possibly run, keeping her eye open for any cameras that decided to spontaneously reactivate and make her life more difficult. As she skidded around the corner, occasionally checking behind her to make sure there were still people there, she caught sight of the elevator button spontaneously pressing itself. Her brow furrowed for a moment, but she shrugged, discarding any suspicions she might have had as the elevator arrived. She rushed in as soon as she could, waiting a few minutes on pins and needles for people to follow her. She was itching to leave, and occasionally pressed the [i]Open Doors[/i] button so the rest of the group would know which elevator to go into. It wasn't until several people had joined her inside and she'd let the doors slide closed before she thought to look around. Her eyes went wide as, in the corner, she saw a small security camera. It wasn't the same kind that was in the hallways--no dart gun or tracking, not moving--but it could sure as hell see them. She immediately slammed on the [i]Open Doors[/i] button again, but to no avail; the doors stayed shut. Hysteria began to edge its way into her voice. "[color=red]Oh god I'm so stupid, of course they would have a way to stop the elevators. I should've looked for stairs![/color]" It only got worse from there. There was a hissing sound and, from the vent on the elevator's ceiling, a barely noticeable haze began to creep. It collected at the top, slowly starting to work its way down as the elevator-turned-gas chamber began to fill more and more. [i]Shit.[/i] She began fruitlessly banging on the door to the elevator, not even caring whether armed guards opened it. All that filled her mind was a primal fear of being trapped with no way out. She didn't know what the gas did. She didn't care to find out. All that mattered was escape. And after escape, forcefully inserting large, painful objects into the orifices of whatever goddamn psychopath trapped them in this hellish nightmare prison of an elevator. As the gas crept further downwards, she took out the scalpel and slashed open her shoulder, gasping at the sudden pain. Blood poured out from the gash, and ignoring the pain, she moved the blood in between the elevator doors, shoving them desperately outward and trying to pry them apart. They stubbornly refused to budge. No matter how much blood she rammed into the doors, she couldn't overcome the power of the hidden hydraulics keeping them shut. "[color=red]Oh god oh god oh god,[/color]" she panted in rage and pain, "[color=red]please open, please open, please open...[/color]" Again, nothing. Her eyes clenched shut in a combination of pain and hopelessness as she let the blood spill to the floor around her, clenching her hand over the still-bleeding wound. The tang of bloody iron in the air around her nearly drowned out the scent of the gas as it continued to descend.