[center][img]http://rp.alexarnold.ca/indrau/indrau_p.png[/img] — Dragonback —[/center] Indrau took his place near the head of the column. The single night inside of the keep on a proper bed did wonders for his mood but the week since had quickly eroded it. Constantly being on edge and anticipating an attack didn't help either. Today was no different. Every copse of trees or roadside hill was a potential hiding place for an ambush. Mostly, however, has was simply bored and ill tempered. There was little within a months ride of Aimlenn that he'd no seen. If he'd been able to keep up the pace perhaps he might have volunteered to scout ahead but his leg had worsened since leaving the fortress at Nev. So Indrau rode in abject silence, a healthy gap between him and anyone else. [center][img]http://rp.alexarnold.ca/roses/both.png[/img][/center] [center][img]http://rp.alexarnold.ca/salz/salz_p.png[/img] — Dragonback —[/center] Salz had managed to blend into the mass of civilians, as much as a ten foot half giant could at any rate. Somewhere she had found a damaged tent(or three) that had been made into a cloak to cover her armor and weapons. Now she walked near the center of the pack in the shadow of one of the wagons with a kid on each shoulder and a third on her hip. Her presence had certainly helped keep things moving, it was easy to fix a broken axle or get a stuck wagon moving again with someone who could simply lift it along for the journey. The sheer variety of terrain they had come across was astounding to the desert dweller. All she had known before were the coastal deserts of her homeland and the forests around the Indrau estate.