[color=orange][center][h1]Join Humanity's Army![/h1] [img]https://www.walldevil.com/wallpapers/w04/043726-fight-futuristic-artwork-sci-fi-artwork-soldiers-war.jpg[/img][/center][/color] [b][color=orange]“Once upon a time, we stood upon the precipice of human achievement. We didn’t just look to the stars– we conquered them. Human civilization spanned through the entire galaxy. Rumors have it that we were a hair-breadth away from discovering something big, something to take us outside the galaxy. But I digress, what’s lost is lost. What I can tell you though, is what’s happening now. The stars are foreign to us, and our old homes are gone. Even though we once at some point touched the stars, we were burned in the process. Make no mistake: We are not winning. In fact, we once populated seven hundred forty-three star systems. Now, we only have one: The Old Solar System, Humanity’s original home. Ruins of the ancient world litter the nine planets, and the only thing we can do now is scavenge from them and beat the invaders back. This is where you come into play, soldier. Currently, we are planning the largest counter-offensive in Human history. Forty-four billion people are left in the Solar System, and we are planning to mobilize every able-bodied man and woman willing to fight for our survival. Now, will you fight for your place in the galaxy, or will you be wiped from the slate of history? Now is the time to decide. Find your local recruiter, and enlist in Humanity’s Army today! The Year is 3029 A.D.. However, if and when we succeed, we will begin a new era, an era of our resurgence! Victoria ad Omnes Pretium!”[/color][/b] RP Overview This is a Sci-Fi military rp, emphasis on the Sci-fi part. The technology level is somewhere between Halo and Mass effect, with limited FTL travel. Basically, we have some marginally technologically advanced post-apocalyptic stuff to work with. So no lasers (For the Humans anyway). Despite this, I believe that this gives room for more creative technology rather than just having lazor beamz. The 18+ tag is meant mostly for blood, gore, and stuff like that. While romance is okay, and maybe encouraged due to the relationships and bonds that form during times of hardship, keep away from the graphic stuff within that category. Again, the year is 3029, and Humanity has been forced out of their golden age. In fact, they’ve been forced almost a thousand years into the past, when they were just a primitive civilization first reaching out into the stars. The Bulwark, a conglomeration of allied alien races, is trying to wipe out Humanity for unknown reasons. The setting of the RP is, of course, the Solar System. From the frontier of the Oort cloud to the Maginot Stronghold on Earth, calls come in from everywhere between, whether it be rebels, cultists, splinter groups, or the Bulwark. Now, enough with the exposition. Who will YOU be roleplaying as? Well, you’re a grunt in the army’s 11 billion. To Humanity, you are a faceless soldier ready to fight and die for an inch of land. With that in mind, your characters of course will be different, the ones who are fated to jump from the crap to the cream. To start off, you will be a part of the 588th Defensive Army, stationed on the front lines of the Kuiper belt. Eventually, you will make it up the ranks, and gain access to more advanced technology in order to fend off Humanity's greatest threat. [hider=Character Sheet] Name: (If you don’t know what this is…) Age: (Conscription affects people as young as 15 and as old as 40, and volunteers can be of any age, as long as they are physically fit to the military’s standard). Race: (Although it is called “Humanity’s army”, a few aliens have sympathized with the Humans. I’ll mention the available races later. Also, racism and xenophobia are prevalent). Sex: (Male, female, or attack helicopter). Character Trait: (A descriptor of a certain ability your character may be good at. It doesn’t have to be a combat-useful ability, though you can do that if you want. Character Personality: (Their personality). Character Background: (Their background, like where they came from). Curio: An item or two your character carries around for sentimental reasons. (Optional). Appearance: (An image, if possible).[/hider] [hider=Alien Species of the Bulwark] The following are code names given to a number of alien races that make up the Bulwark. The actual names of these races are not known, as their languages are nearly indecipherable by current technology. More species are being discovered as the war goes on. [hider=The Argon] A technologically advanced species whose home planet originates from the Sigma Sagittarii star system. Other than that, their history is shrouded in mystery. Makes up a significant portion of the Bulwark infantry, and typically, one of their soldiers is about equal to five of ours. On average, they are between 2-3 meters tall. [img]http://www.deskcar.com/desktop/game/pcgame/2012616221709/12.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=The Brumak] A species of giant stone-like organisms. Originating from the surface of Sirius B, they average five to seven meters tall. Typically outfitted as frontline breakthrough units or siege units. Use heavy weapons against them. [img]http://i64.tinypic.com/1zpnz3c.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Human-2] A species of disturbingly similar organisms to Humans, at least in the physical aspect. Originating from Kepler 438b, they are used as infiltrators, and are nearly indistinguishable from normal Humans. Psychologically, they are different than Humans only in the way that they feel and act towards subjects relating to the Bulwark. [img]http://www.joblo.com/images_arrownews/realhumans.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Griks] Cannon fodder for the Bulwark, these are pale, dull creatures of unknown origin to be used as meat shields. However, do not underestimate them, as they rush out into battle with a disturbing ferocity, gladly laying down their lives for the goals of the Bulwark, and have the physical strength of a fully grown ape. [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/0a/c0/f3/0ac0f3c46b42c83144efc56a296611f6.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Wisserams] Highly intelligent, frail creatures use their gangly arms to dissect our technology so that they can adapt to our strategy and tactics. If you see one, kill it and retrieve its brain. [img]https://www.stanwinstonschool.com/ckeditor_assets/pictures/3816/content_myholo-alien-venus-barthe-florian.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Celestial] Not clearly defined, there have been no recorded sightings of even a single one, though their effects on space can be observed. Possible examples include cosmic events such as black holes, white holes, quantum tunneling, and possibly even the creation of alternate universes. However, this is all theoretical and hardly confirmed. Do not engage.[/hider][/hider] [hider=NPCS] [hider=Supreme Leader Malveil] [b]Age:[/b] 150 [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Sex[/b]: Male [b]Character[/b] [b]Trait[/b]: Born to Lead [b]Character[/b] [b]Personality[/b]: Malveil is a beacon of inspiration for his troops, and Humanity in general. When he speaks, everyone listens. A pragmatic and practical leader, he has no qualms with sacrificing a platoon of soldiers to earn an inch of land. No one dares face his wrath, as he will destroy all who stand in the way of Humanity. [b]Character[/b] [b]Background[/b]: Malveil is one of the few witnesses of the Fall, and still clearly remembers life on his home planet, Kepler-442b. Due to Pre-Fall medical technology, he has a much longer lifespan than to be expected from the average human. Despite his memories, he does not talk about the past often. His reasons for this are unknown. What is known however, is that he enlisted in the military in 2930 at the age of 51 and fought his way up the ranks until he eventually became the Supreme Leader of Humanity. [b]Curio[/b]: He keeps his family heirloom, a refurbished 1,500 year old dueling pistol (functional) with him at all times, and refuses to carry any other sidearm. [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/90/2b/09/902b095c66088a8531fe701f7a036db7--killzone-character-concept.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Intel Sergeant Barry Murphy] [b]Age[/b]: 34 [b]Race[/b]: Human [b]Sex[/b]: Male [b]Character[/b] [b]Trait[/b]: Skeptical [b]Character[/b] [b]Personality[/b]: Barry is tough, and skeptical of nearly everything, but knows that his personal biases and reservations must be set aside for the good of Humanity, no matter who or what troubles him. He has a fascination with history, mostly with the patterns of actions that people tend to follow throughout history, like a neverending loop. [b]Character[/b] [b]Background[/b]: Barry Murphy comes from a family rich with military history. The most well-renowned of them served the former United States during the global conflict known as World War II, more than a millennium ago. The name of this soldier is lost to time, but it is said that he fended off an army by himself. [b]Curio[/b]: He has a certain poem recited in his head, a poem that tells the tale of a battle during World War II. [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/ab/ea/27/abea27f6cadba5e0cc2377e1d7fa727d.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Linda “Dusk” Lee] [b]Age[/b]: 27 [b]Race[/b]: Human [b]Sex[/b]: Female [b]Character[/b] [b]Trait[/b]: Cool-Headed [b]Character[/b] [b]Personality[/b]: Linda is able to stay calm in the most chaotic and dangerous situations. Even if a bomb exploded nearby, she wouldn’t as much as flinch. She is able to harness this eerily calm and collected demeanor and use it to improve her marksmanship as a scout-sniper for the 588th Defensive army. [b]Character[/b] [b]Background[/b]: Linda, or “Dusk”, as she prefers to be called, grew up in a small, icy town on Proxima Centauri b. Growing up, food was scarce due to the alien panic, and since more and more rations were being delivered to the Old Solar System, the people on Proxima Centauri b fought and killed each other over the scraps that were left. Dusk was the only one who could fend for her family, and she did so with deadly efficiency. Before the evacuation ships came to her planet, she had killed 37 people for their supplies. Now, she serves as a scout sniper for the 588th Defensive Army, Ghost Division. [b]Curio[/b]: Dusk carries with her a special round, a bullet that is rumored to have been passed down her family for generations. Of course, it cannot function inside a modern weapon. [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/8d/d0/d2/8dd0d243395c6dc387ff2a4a98405ee7.jpg[/img][/hider][/hider]