[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/326476830125064192/326483926761865217/coollogo_com-92021510.png[/img] [i]Ominar, Victorious Secrets[/i] interacting [@FallenReaper]'s Lily[/center][hr] As the soft light of the early morning sun fell upon the city of Ominar, Damian made his way through the city streets, cursing his uncle for breaking the alarm the night before. The man had come home drunk and irritable, complaining about how the world was against him for near an hour, only to suddenly fly into a rage and break several things in their small apartment before retreating to bed. It wasn't anything new for Damian, the man often came home drunk and angry, but unfortunately, this time he'd been in Damian's small closet of a room when he decided to throw his usual fit. [i][color=thistle]*sigh* Why do I have to be stuck with someone like that.[/color][/i] Damian couldn't help but think about how much he wished his father had done some more research on what had happened to his brother before sending him here. Whatever kind of person he'd been before, all that was left now was a bitter and dangerous drunk who was only digging himself deeper and deeper into the grave with every passing day. A fate that Damian wasn't too keen on sharing. Shaking his head of such thoughts, the hybrid Licentia slowed his pace as he came within sight of the shop. It was a nice and quaint-looking store from the outside, but was given a greater appeal once one took a look through the window to see the veritable rainbow of assorted potions, elixirs, and tinctures that the proprietor had brewed for the people of the city to indulge upon, if they could pay the right price. Damian had been working at Victorious Secrets for a little under a month or so, having taken the job in order to expedite himself from the chains of debt that his uncle was currently tied up in, debts that also served to curl around his own neck as well thanks to that man's utter disregard for anyone but himself. Taking a deep breath, Damian ran a hand through his auburn hair, checking himself in a nearby window to make sure he looked appropriately ready for the days work. His hair was as neatly brushed as he could get it in this form, his clothing consisting of a simple button-up shirt with a blue and white plaid design, a pair of acid wash jeans, and some grey sneakers. Once he was certain that everything was in order, he continued on his way to the store. Like his mother always told him, 'One should always try their best to look presentable, no matter the situation.' However, something rather peculiar happened as he stood infront of the door, reaching out for the lock. His entire body felt a slight tingle course through it before he was suddenly pushed backwards by some unknown force. While the push itself wasn't very strong, he was caught unawares and promptly fell over onto his backside, feeling very confused and just a tad queasy. However, he was quick to regain his wits, eyes trailing upwards as he got a look at just who had knocked him over. As he got a good look at his 'assailant', however, it was difficult for him to force down the red flush that blossomed over his cheeks, as well as the slight trill of nervous energy that ran through him as he struggled to find words. The woman towered over him, even when he managed to get to his feet, dressed more like she was going out for a night at Darius's club then an early morning walk. Her hair bore a deep red hue to it that served to very nicely frame her face, which held an almost ethereal beauty to it. To say that Damian found himself a bit enthralled was an understatment, though he quickly realized that not only was he staring, but his mouth had been hanging a tad open as he did so. Needless to say, the red of his face soon took on a much brigther hue as he cleared his throat, casting his eyes downward as he tried once more to get a few words out. [color=thistle]"I-I'm sorry for bumping into and for . . . um. . . st-staring."[/color] Damian fell silent quickly once more, as gauging the mysterious woman's reaction before he continued, the red beginning to leave his cheeks as he got over his initial embarrassment for a moment. [color=thistle]"Did you require anything from inside? I've been working here a little bit, so I could possibly help you out in finding something, though depending on what you need, it might be better to ask Mr. Nabriales."[/color]