Ceraun watched as the man walked away. On one hand, she felt like she should follow him to ensure his safety. The man was clearly unwell, and his self-prescribed medication didn't help matters. On the other hand, Ceraun cared more for her direct allies than for an individual who didn't request her assistance. She wondered if she should have given him a higher dosage. Perhaps the crash would have woken him up from his self-imposed stupor. In either case, he had wandered away far enough that it would be a hassle to follow. Should he wish to request her assistance, Ceraun would gladly oblige. In the meantime, a flying travel guide interrupted her reverie. After it had thoroughly bonked her in the noggin, she picked it up off the ground and found its owner, also lying on the ground. Ceraun bent forward, offering her hand to him. [color=6ecff6]"A bar fight? This early in the day?"[/color] she said with a smile on her face. [color=6ecff6]"You don't seem nearly drunk enough for that."[/color] At that comment, she realized that her charity had held her for too long. [color=6ecff6]"If you would excuse me, I am needed for a very important meeting,"[/color] Ceraun added as she hurried after her long-gone allies. After a few steps, she had finagled the jetpack's cord to connect to the port on her neck, and took off flying several meters above the ground. Perhaps it was not the most subtle method of approach, but it would definitely be the fastest. Mention: [@Mistiel][@ChickenTeriyaki]