[@CoyoteLovely][@Lyla][@LPRKN][@Lmpkio][@t2wave][@LokiLeo789][@Hekazu] [center]Campsite-We're Going On An Adventure[/center] [center][color=fff200]Fionn Harken[/color][/center] "No, I do not believe I am, though it has been some time since I was on the world of my origin. Perhaps I simply do not recognize it anymore," she smiled somewhat wryly - there was no joy in the eye that he could see. She placed the trap in her bag and motioned in the next direction. "I do not understand what you mean 'world class'... I sense that you are from this world - yet you understand mechanicka - are there none among your world who do as I do? Where I am from I am certainly considered to be among the best, but I still have much to learn... or, would have, had I not left. And if I have not already asked too many questions, what are "Kindred"?" Fionn simply walked with her towards the next trap as his new companion let out her slew of questions. It seemed that her ability to travel between worlds wasn't something she had mastered yet. Not if she wasn't even sure if this was her home planet. [color=fff200]"Well Ecetopia's name has never changed as far I know."[/color] He assured her. [color=fff200]"So chances are good that this isn't your world. And I must correct you on something. Although I have been living here for the past year this is not my original world either."[/color] An intentionally wide sideways step around a bush allowed his cloak to flutter open and reveal his obviously advanced armor. It certainly wasn't the gleaming platemail or chain one might would usually find on a knight errant on Ecetopia. [color=fff200]"As for the 'mechanicka' as you put it. Well, Ecetopia is swimming in mana. Bursting at the seams. So much so that unshielded or improperly constructed technology tends to fail if it spends too much time here. The combination of easy magic and the difficulties of progressing past clockwork means that technology is something of a secondary or tertiary concern here."[/color] [color=fff200]"And the Kindred?"[/color] Another smile. [color=fff200]"We are a group of people spread out across the stars. Some of us settle in different places and open up hospitals, schools and charities. Others, like myself, travel between worlds helping where needed. We help the poor and sick, do our best to guide nations away from wars and into more constructive directions. Fight when needed to protect those who cannot."[/color] [color=fff200]"The universe is a dark place Nak. It needs all the people it can get to brighten it back up."[/color] [center]Wesville-We're Going On An Adventure [/center] [color=fff200][i]Huh, guess we came the right place.[/i] "We actually came to consult you about a set if ruins we are on our way to investigate. I don't know about any ancient might but the undead there are certainly acting up. What can you tell us about the old dwarven ruins a bit north of here?[/color]