"Ugh..." Was Jideh still conscious? He blinked, trying to open his eyes and not seeing anything despite this. Was he blind? He groggily began assessing the position of his body, also recalling a faint sensation of falling and twisting and having landed. He heard Kanako, and nodded, his face coming up against slight resistance, which was odd. He pried his arms out from where they were stuck and pushed himself up. Oh. "That's what I was counting on, since I didn't exactly have this soft of a landing planned..." [i]Holy shit did I just say that out loud? Calm down Jideh, it'll look nowhere near as smooth if you freak out right after saying something like that...[/i] Still, Jideh was too damned pleased with himself to avoid grinning like an idiot. Before he could screw this up any more than he already had, he decided to make an attempt at standing up. He lifted himself off of Kanako and began to stagger into a vaguely stable stance. Jideh felt dizzy again, and brought a hand up to his face. "Oh... do not fall back into her chest," he murmured. The crisp air of the night, slightly damp with mist had an arousing quality to it, which was what he hoped was arousing him, at least. Though if he were honest with himself, wasn't entirely true. "Do you have any food on you? I mean, I was just on you but-" Jideh sighed, his head spinning. Utterly ill-equipped to deal with situations like this, much less the still very real threat of elementalists at their heels. "I need food, or else I'm not much use to you. And sorry, for the rough landing." [hr] Manilow snored, stuffed bear tucked under his arm, a little drool crawling down towards his chin. He was wearing the boxers with the pink hearts on them. If anybody had been stalking the gym teacher, they'd have noticed that his eyes were red-rimmed and puffy, and the side of his pillow was still damp, but I highly doubt that any of our present students and/or faculty are lurking in the recesses of Jordan Manilow's bedroom. At least, I hope not. That'd be gods-damned terrifying. [@Hammerman]