[img]https://images.cooltext.com/4970375.png[/img] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/7e/fb/f7/7efbf76a36f56420e3e374461620b547.jpg[/img] [color=fff200]"Interacting with: Location: [/color] Katherin didn't know what to think of the fact that no one seemed to notice that she had crashed into someone, slide across, and left a trail of ice behind her. On one hand it was reassuring that no one had seen her embarrass herself. But on the other hand it meant that no one had noticed someone who needed help. It made her wonder what kind of people were at the school. Her father assured her that it would be safe. There were suppose to be an even number of hero and villian children. What did it mean that no one had offered to help her? She bite her lip. She didn't know. Maybe those who had seen her didn't want to embarrass her. But that didn't feel right. What if she had been hurt? She wasn't but no one watching would have known that. She wasn't in the middle of the crowd but there were people close enough to have seen her.