My Hero attempt. [hider=The X] [center][h2][b]Ryan Doe[/b][/h2][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][i][h3][color=9e0b0f]The Red X[/color][/h3][/i][/center] [color=9e0b0f] [u]Age[/u] [/color] 23 [color=9e0b0f] [u]Personality:[/u] [/color] Rash. Cocky. Justice. Cold. Sarcastic. [color=9e0b0f] [u]Archetype:[/u][/color] Mystic [center][i][h3][u][color=9e0b0f]Powers[/color][/u][/h3][/i][/center] [center][i][color=9e0b0f]The X [/color][/i][/center] [center] [i]Ryan was born with the this curse that he appropriately named "The X". The Power within is activated after a Dark cloud is produced and wraps around his body. His "costume" forms on him and only then can his Powers be unleashed. A curse of Unknown Origin that allows him to paint a Red X that allow him to activate his true power. His suit provides protection from most forms of damage, but will quickly decay after constant damage. [/i][/center] [i][color=9e0b0f]X Phase[/color][/i] Ryan can use his finger to paint a X and plant up to four of them on surfaces that allow only him to teleport at short ranges to another X that was placed. They only last for a few minutes, but the teleportation is almost instant. After a Teleport the X that was used fades away, leaving a burnt mark in it's place. [i][color=9e0b0f]The X Effect[/color][/i] X marks the spot. Ryan can paint an X on or over an object or Person and control the Weight or speed of the marked or anything standing over the mark. Using it as a trap or a targeted attack that would Slow the fastest car to a snail's pace or making the lightest stone as heavy as a whale. The effects can also be applied to himself if needed. [i][color=9e0b0f] X-Wrist Blade and X-shaped shurikens [/color][/i] Produced from his hand, Ryan can call forth these energy Blades from his hands. They burn hot enough to pierce wood and thinner metals. After a certain distance they phase out of existence just as fast as they appeared. [i][color=9e0b0f]Expert Combatant[/color][/i] Personally trained by Jason Todd. His fight style can be described as Dirty, quick, and acrobatic. [center][i][h3][u][color=ed1c24]Weaknesses:[/color][/u][/h3][/i][/center] [color=9e0b0f]Rage:[/color] Ryan has a short temper which can lead to him going into an all out rage. Sometimes it can be a blessing, but more times than not its a curse. Putting him in situations that he eventually would regret. [color=9e0b0f]Holy Entities:[/color] 'Holy Magic' and other Holy devices such as Crosses or Holy Water weaken Ryan. Very similar to Kryptonite to Super Man. He is not sure what is responsible for this, but he assumes it has something to do with his Power's Origin that he yet understands. [i][u][color=9e0b0f]Appearance:[/color][/u][/i] Ryan is as shorter man of about 65 inches. He has long black hair which he gels back giving him a very 'Greaser' look. His fair skin really highlight his black hair and dark brown eyes. He is a slimmer build, but athletic due to his former training. A unsetlling 'X' is deeply scarred over his right eye, taking away his right eye brow and eye lash with it. His 'costume' is hard as stone, but has a slimy sleek texture to it. Similar to how a snake or scales feel. After long periods of damage or if Ryan is exhausted, his armor begins to breakdown to ash. Revealing his state of fatigue. [u][color=9e0b0f]Character Evolution:[/color][/u] Ryan want a place in the world. He want's what was denied to him from birth. Justice, Friends, Family. While he might use uncommon means in delivering Justice, he can still be molded into a 'correct' hero. He also wishes to find the Origin to his Powers. [u][color=9e0b0f]BRIEF Bio:[/color][/u] Born in a Orphanage in Gothem. His... unique appearance was apparent to any parents that would have adopted him. He lived with the Orphanage until his later Teens, finally running away and living a life of crime in the streets. Around the age fifteen he slowly began to discover his powers, using them for crime whenever he needed the money or breaking the Jaw of a local Drug dealer who decided to sell to children. Using his powers quietly to strike fear at any that stood in his way and It wasn't long until he was ruining his own little gang known at the time. Just a minuscule cell of the King Pin Black Mask. One faithful night, during a bank robbery his group was found by The Red Hood. Who had his own Personal dealings with this specific vault. Ryan was at the wrong place at the right time. Jason slaughtered his group, only keeping Ryan alive after seeing his powers used against him. Jason offered a partnership with Ryan, a deal he could not refuse. Almost two whole years of training and partnership before they both went their separate ways. Finding that his powers had the strength to do more good, he seeked out Batman, looking to Join the Justice League. Not sure what he would find, but something deep inside him told him this would be the right decision. That and he felt he needed a much needed upgrade from just being a small time Hero branded as a criminal. [u] Sample Post:[/u] The Thugs approached the small hole that quietly melted away the metal that lead into the bank's vault. While normally alarms wold be blaring loud enough to wake up anyone in a mile radius, these weren't the average ski mask wearing criminals. Black Mask has his eye on this vault for some time. The proper planing and calls were made to ensure this heist went flawlessly. Or at least what he thought would be Flawlessly. "X, hurry the hell up! This smells like a trap. You should've been out of there already." Jason voiced over his encrypted radio. The Hood was laying down with his Anti-Material rifle just across the street, hidden in a small balcony with full view of the bank. "Give me a break Todd, didn't I learn from the best?" Ryan replied, waiting for his pray to approach the trap. The Thugs, bearing small arms similar to the Gotham SWAT team, moved in a diamond formation towards the first large room of the Vault. They weren't really thugs, more like professionals from what Ryan could tell. The group kept their Guns trained forward as they approached the secondary Wheel lock that held the treasure they had set their eyes on. Another charge was planted and quietly detonating, burning through the last bulkhead. Just as the man sized hole was formed, a crumpled piece of paper fell in between the formation of thugs. They quickly pointed their Rifle's flashlights toward the roof, finding nothing. One of them approached the paper, uncrippling it to find the message inside. "X marks the spot". Before the Man could even processes the message, a X shaped Shuriken flew from behind the group, slicing the Thug's hands clean off. Leaving them still wrapped around the paper. While the first target dropped to his knees whaling in pain, The Red X dropped on top of him to quell his pain, knocking him clean out. Before the remaining four Thugs could point their Guns at Ryan, their weapons were all cleaved from their hands, leaving a Red glow where they had were once whole. One ran while the other three tried to engage Ryan, quickly having bones shattered and jaw's no longer attached to their skulls. Ryan let the lone wolf run in fear, instead of chasing him he pulled out an explosive device and tossed it inside the vault. The explosion absolutely destroying anything within. A large fire leaving in their place. The lone Thug ran for his life, faster than he had ever, but it was no use. As he cleared his way of the bank and entered the streets a loud band was heard, leaving the man a pulped mess on the floor. "Good Job X. Now lets get out of here...X? X!?" [/hider]