*Mergoux keeps the knife ready as she stares Jillian in the eyes* Mergoux: What? No?! No it's not true! I'd never kill a innocent person. What knights are these that are hunting me?! *She feels the gun in her side and slowly takes the knife off Jillian's throat, then her face twists in anger once more* Mergoux: I've killed many people, too many to keep count, but not a one of them was not deserving of it. Rapists, murderers, slavers, scum, I slew them. Used them as a example to those who might think about doing the same. So yeah, I guess you could call me The Butcher, but only to those who deserve death. *She stands back a few paces and glares at Jillian, angry to be caught like she was, unawares and defenseless* *Silven stops as he sees Hanna* Silven: Hello there... Are you alright lass? What's th' matter?