Camilla's high spirits waned as Cydric described the danger that warpstone represented. If it concerned Cydric so much it must be a potent threat indeed. Looked out the window of their large room for a moment to give herself time to digest what she had been told, taping a finger gently to one of her red lips. [b]"Oh don't worry about the ball,"[/b] she said, waving a hand dismissively. She was addressing it because it was a topic she was familiar with and didn't seem to involve any pleasant risk of death or dismemberment at the hands of deranged cultists. Tilea had less of an issue with the Dark Gods, the attraction of the Chaos wastes was far away there, and the landscape to domesticated to allow for the infestations of beastmen and mutants which plagued its unhappy northern neighbors. Even on the sunny plains of Tilea though the rampages of the creatures of Chaos were not unknown. [b]"We will get you something in a millitary cut, perhaps some armor, then you can carry your sword and scowl a good deal,"[/b] she explained, mentally fitting Cydric for a feathered hat. [b]"When a soldier dosen't want to be bothered he builds a wall of sharpened stakes. A scowl does the same thing in a social situation," [/b]she confided. Standing up she crossed the floor and took up her sword belt hefting its weight for a moment before fastining it around her waist at a jaunty angle down from one hip. [b]"He must think it is someone from the court,"[/b] she speculated as she observed herself in the mirror, adjusting the set of her belt. Maybe she should get one of those polished leather chest pieces. They weren't too unlike a corset when tightly cinched and would give her some protection without sacrificing speed or, more importantly, style. Looking back over her shoulder she though Cydric looked a little puzzled by the comment. [b]"Well why else come to us? We are relative new comers, we have no connections here, he must have secret policemen who could make inquiries."[/b] Crossing to the pitcher of water on the small table in the center of the room she poured herself a goblet and drank it down. It was nice to be back in civilization, even if it was this rather grim fortress town. [b]"Either he doesn't trust them, or he dosen't trust someone in their chain of command." [/b]As she said it an unpleasant though crossed into her mind. Unless it was Osfurth himself of course, and he figured that two bumbling adventurers were the perfect excuse in place of a real investigation. [b]"Any ideas where we can start?"[/b] [@POOHEAD189]