[hider=Pete McAllister and Charlotte] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/27/97/d9/2797d99ad253cf05ffa162db1f3551ff.jpg[/img] [center]Name: Pete McAllister Species: Homo Sapiens Age: 23 Gender: Male Height: 6 foot five inches tall Weight: 220 pounds Personality: Pete is oddly cheerful for having grown up in such an ugly place like Hephaestus. He always seems to be whistling a happy tune and does not seem to see the horror in walking around with a gigantic spider the size of a small pony. It is just a normal day for him to walk around with her. Pete always has a joke or a pun to use. Pete's cheerful attitude seems to fade away as soon as he is on the hunt. He becomes all business while he is after his prey. He kills without remorse or care. Pete learned the hard way that certain creatures need to die to protect others. He spent his life on a colony while everything wanted him dead and thus he knows how to kill should he need to. However, he has never truly left his home system. There is a whole galaxy out there and Pete wants to see it all. This is his first time away from home and it definitely shows. History: Peter McAllister came from an old Hephaestus' family. His grandparents were some of the fist colonists on world. The McAllister's were a family of leaders and they were mine administrators by trade. Thus they were rich and powerful. His father saw them as better than their neighbors and that they were above them all. Pete had never liked that and would do anything to get out. When he was five years old, Pete wandered away from the colony towards the nearby spider cave. A search party was sent out to make sure that the flying beasts had not killed him. When they found Pete four hours later, he was safely in the caves surrounded by spiderlings. In typical spider manner, they had taken another two legged hairless spider into the caves where he belonged. From that day onward, Pete had become obsessed with the spiders. His grandmother had been a Corp Hunter and Pete wanted to be one for years. His father disagreed and tried to keep his son on the path of becoming an administrator like him. In secret, Pete was getting lessons from an old retired Hunter on the ways of Spider Hunting. When he was ten, Pete bonded with a young female spider than he named Charlotte after an old Earth book he had read. The pair where always walking the streets and Pete would read to his spider. For years, Pete wanted to join the Corp of Hunters but his father refused. Pete finally got his wish at the age of fifteen when a Terror Bird (one of the largest and most dangerous predators on the planet) started snatching colonist children to eat. Pete didn't hesitate in grabbing Charlotte and his mentor's rifle to go after the beast. For four days, Pete was just gone. His entire family mourned his death by burring his boots in the spider caves as custom stated. However on the seventh day, sentries on the wall noticed Pete and Charlotte dragging the corpse of the 550 pound flying lizard on a makeshift sled. Pete had taken the beast down with a shit between the two armored plates near its eyes. His father agreed on the spot to let Pete join the Corp of Hunters to defend the settlements. Now, Pete seeks adventure elsewhere. His skills are good enough to leave his homeworld but he knows he has to come back some day. Weapons/Supplies: [list] [*] [url=http://orig00.deviantart.net/610f/f/2014/174/f/2/f2b61553d989c086dc76810e7c4457e4-d7np7zj.jpg]H-34A Hunting Carbine [/url]- This is the weapon given to every Hunter on the Hephaestus Colony. Desgined by the corporation to defend the colonists since soldiers are expensive. It is extremely accurate since it was designed to deal with flying targets that plague the colony. There are bullets that can be switched in other than the standard rounds. The explosive bullet is designed to take out the brain of the target or to expose the fleshy bits on a armored target. The other type would be the shock ammo. Designed to knock the prey out, however it requires direct hit on the flesh of the target to work and most creatures can power through it. [*] [url=http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-YKOHt43utDk/TvCrbMKmDyI/AAAAAAAAI0g/frKbu4_qzfg/s1600/GrappleGun2.jpg]324A Mountain Assist Tool[/url]- The colony was next to impossible to climb by yourself. The spiders were the only ones who could climb, so the Corp gave the Hunter Corp the 324A MAT to help them keep up with their long legged friends. The tool is designed to grapple onto the hard rock cliffs of the planet and hold up to 650 pounds. Should need be, it could carry a hunter and his or her partner up a 1,500 cliff to safety. Every duo keeps at least one of these gizmos. It can drill into hard rock and with the right changes it can be used on metal. Pete does not have the magnetic attachment. [*][url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/ff/c7/51/ffc751d381d39af426552f3146b3c420--sci-fi-weapons-fantasy-weapons.jpg]Sitra Hunting Knife[/url]- A wicked piece of work that is designed to defend the hunter should one of the beasts gets it's claws on him or her. It is designed to fit through the armor plating of most of the creature. (The First one) [*] [url=http://img10.deviantart.net/39a8/i/2012/087/f/7/kinetic_armor_by_aimmort-d4u6se9.jpg]Standard Hunter Gear[/url]- As a former of the Hunter Corp, Pete was given a standard issued armor set. The suit is designed to be able to keep the hunter alive in the hostile environment of the colony. It is not power armor but it helps with dealing with the giant birds of the planet. It has a filtration system built in to help the hunter breath the cold air or filter out toxins. It's main feature is to cushion the fall from high heights. The planet has large falls and the suit can cushion falls up to 300 feet. it still hurts the hunter on the fall. The suit can also interface with the spider's electronic suite. Pete can see whatever Charlotte sees through a camera. [*] Charlotte's armor- Hunter partners are given armor to protect the fleshy parts of their abdomen. The main use of the armor to keep the two partners connected. A head mounted camera allows the hunter to be able to watch his partner from wherever she is. There is an attached microphone so Pete can give orders from a distance of about half a kilometer. However this all depends on the conditions on the planet. The armor is not impenetrable but it is designed to help keep the spider alive while the hunter goes in for the kill. The corporation learned the hard way to give the Hunters exactly what they wanted. [/list] Misc: Pete rarely sleeps in a bed like a normal person. His idea of a good sleep spot is lying on Charlotte or wrapped up in one of her webs. Most people would find this horrifying but Pete loves it. He has slept upside down and on the side of a cliff without fear. Pete can sleep anywhere. He also keeps a collection of books which he reads to Charlotte since that was how children learned to read on his homeworld. The Spiders never judged you if you said something wrong. It is also common to see him having one sided conversations with her. Pete seemingly can read his partners moods to guess what she is thinking. Pete has a tattoo of a rifle crossed with a spider and a rifle with the Latin "Socios Belli" under it. Every hunter on his planet has the tattoo once they join the Corp. Pete has a necklace of a 8 inch long tooth hanging from his neck. It is clearly a prized possession of his. [/center] [/hider]