[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/M5I1dzL.png[/img][/center] Juno was an interesting creature. At most times, she came across as a mindless idiot, a tool only to be used for destruction and whose intelligence was only prevalent in battle. Only at times like these, when she could make such remarks off hand in casual form to the Imperator of Heaven, did said Imperator remember Juno’s potential. It was enough to bring her attention to stare at the purple-armored warrior again. [color=gold]“No. Not until I see the results,”[/color] the Imperator said at last, having spared every combatant in the dungeon for now. Within Hell, Lucille was busy mulling on her throne and observing the events taking place in the Oblivion Dungeon. Much like the Imperator’s portal, her own was serving as a gateway into the battle that took place and she suspected it was doing much of the same for the High Queen of the Machina. How utterly boring. She was considering on putting out a “kill on sight” order for Henry when something in her viewing caught her attention. But rather than imagery of any sort, it was a voice. A voice so very much familiar but held great malice all the same. It made the Queen of Hell’s fist grip the throne harder, causing yet more damage from it. Well, well. If someone was trying to get her attention, they had better make it worthwhile. [color=00a651]“Luci, watch over my throne,”[/color] the Black Goat said, rising to notice a patch of flowers having sprouted from the foot of her throne. By the time she reached it, she spied a brand-new parasol parted for her among the patch of impossible life. Lucille took it without a word, striding past even as the flowers wilted away into the stone floor of the chambers once more. Her interest renewed in this fight, Lucille stepped into the portal and immediately arrived in a [url=http://i.imgur.com/XGWzKM7.jpg]strange room[/url]. It looked to be the remains of an old castle but the most peculiar aspect were the many mirrors that lined the halls of the dark place. Lucille cared not for the aura this location gave off and chalked it up to an impossible mind game conjured by the Oblivion Dungeon. Nothing in this hall of mirrors was familiar to her, all except the voice ever still calling out from the last one further down. The Black Goat closed the distance rather quickly and peered into the reflection of the cracked and faded thing. There was nothing special about this; it was only a one-way mirror. So then, why had it summoned her here- [b]Wham.[/b] A solid crack rang in the air and the Queen of Hell was launched a few feet back skidding on the ground. Someone had punched her in the jaw. Someone that was stepping out of the mirror and looking down on Lucille with a cool smirk. No bones had been broken of course; it would take much more than that to do so for Hell’s Queen. By all means, this attacker would have been dead where they stood for having pissed her off. But for very obvious reasons, Lucille only spat red to the side and got back to her feet. [color=00a651]“That wasn't very nice,”[/color] she grumbled, rubbing her sore jaw. [color=00a651]“But I expect no less coming from you of all people,”[/color] she finished, holding her parasol in hand and pointing it at the other Lucille. Because indeed, it was Lucille, of the very same breed. The [url=http://i.imgur.com/2Jiwkqz.jpg]Lucille[/url] of the distant past. [color=00a651]“You should have seen this coming. There’s no one else you hate more,”[/color] the past Lucille said, raising her own parasol in preparation. The current Black Goat narrowed her eyes at that. [color=00a651]“Maybe. You’ve got a lot to see, Me. Let me give you a front row seat to my fist.”[/color]