Cyrdic's heartbeat thumped in his ears, and his chest heaved from his yelling and blowing, but his world seemed to calm when Camilla opened her eyes. He thanked Ulric, Sigmar, and Taal, and all the Tilean Gods, even if he knew none of their names. Suddenly he remembered he was cupping her cheek, and he removed his hand to brush some hair out of her face. He also realized it felt very nice holding her like this. "You were..." He shook his head, her hand on his cheek a good reminder that he'd actually saved her. He placed his hand atop her hand, his eyes not leaving Camilla's. "It's hard to explain." He replied. "I'll-" They were interrupted by someone whom Cyrdic recognized as a member of the Holy Order of the Templars of Sigmar. He'd learned the name, having it drilled into him when he was a soldier, to refer to such men. Though of course, Witcher Hunter was the more common term. Cyrdic's soft gaze steeled again after seeing the weapon, but he calmed himself. Cyrdic stood up, and held a hand down to help Camilla up as well. Cyrdic reached into his coat, only for the Witch Hunter to aim his pistol dead in Cyrdic's face. Slowly, Cyrdic removed Boris Todbringer's seal. "I'm Reiner Wulfhofen, and this is my companion Vivvienne Du Couronne of Brettonia." He was not one for accents, but he couldn't tell if Camilla had been using hers when she had just spoken. "Guests of the Graf and adventurers. My coinpurse was stolen, and we pursued a thief, only for an affliction to fall on us for a moment. We heard someone utter the word Tz-" He glanced at Camilla, clenching his jaw. "We heard someone utter the name of a Chaos God, Herr Templar. That way," Cyrdic said, pointing to the otherside of the building they had just crashed out of. "There's a vileness there, mein herr. We barely escaped with our lives." [@Penny]