Nervously, Alex lagged behind the forerunners. When they momentarily stopped at the elevator, he paused to catch his breath. Despite getting more physical exercise than usual in this place he wasn't in great condition, and didn't want to use his powers again for fear of falling on the floor in front of all these people. He looked around at the rest of the group, desperately trying to get in and leave. While he was glad for a chance to catch his breath, he also felt nervous at standing still for any amount of time, and was visibly relieved when the elevator finally did arrive. He got in along with the rest of the assembled kids, and decided to lean against one of the walls for support. This elevator could take them back to ground level, and then they could leave.... was it really going to be this easy? While Alex certainly hoped it would be, something in the pit of his stomach told him that was impossible. Of course, that was when the girl started freaking out, slamming the open door button repeatedly. Raising an eyebrow Alex wondered what had gotten into her. There was nothing dangerous in here, was there? Now hysterical she began shouting something about them stopping the elevators and Alex realised they were stuck in the elevator. Even then it wasn't such a big deal though, I mean with all the powers here there was certainly someone who could open the door, right? I mean, even he could probably do that, if he managed to get his fingers in the gap... in fact, he should do that right now! That was when the gas began to pump into the room. With a horrible hissing sound a greenish-yellow fog began to fill the room, slowly moving from the top to the bottom. Alex started, backing into a corner as his heart made a jump. Oh shit, so this is why people were freaking out! Alex had never been gassed before. Was this knockout gas? Tear gas? Was it murder-gas? Oh my god he was going to die here in this little metal box cut off from the rest of the world choking on his own blood it was happening right now. Eyes wide he spent a moment staring at the ceiling as his mind screamed at him to move, but he couldn't get out of here. The only way out of the elevator was blocked by those doors! But.... Glancing back at the doors, Alex suddenly remembered he was a superhero now. Did he have enough power to break through those doors? What if he just broke them so they didn't open, and then they all died in here? That sounded like a thing he'd do... But if he was going to be a superhero one day, he had to learn to just do stuff. So, swallowing the lump that had formed in his throat, Alex forced his way to the front of the kids and towards the doors. This was his chance to show everyone what it was he could do, just how cool his ability was. So he placed his hands on the door, and began drawing on his stored energy. Like an invisible muscle he twitched it. He still didn't exactly control how much power he drew on, it wasn't an easy thing to do. Not like in the comics, where people knew exactly how to do stuff like that.... but for this he figured he'd need all of this. So he pulled with all his might, until he could feel a massive ball of power focused on his arms. Like he'd somehow tied a knot into his flesh, it was kinda painful. More energy than he'd ever held before, this was probably everything he had left. All of his reserves. Hopefully it was enough. Breathing out, Alex let everything out. He opened the floodgates, and all of the power came flowing out of his body, through his arms and into his fingertips, into the door. Like a wave slamming into the shore it slammed into the door, and with a blast like a gunshot they were torn completely away from the wall. They launched themselves across the room and into the hallway, skidding across the ground before they came to an eventual stop about 10m away from their starting position. The entire thing left Alex breathless, the feeling of sending out that much power that quickly was like a punch to the gut. He was having trouble breathing properly, and stumbled out of the room, dropping onto his hands and knees. After a bit of coughing he managed to roll onto his back and started breathing properly again. Not exactly the awesome introduction he'd wanted for his powers, but damn! He'd murdered that door. Too bad he'd spent all his energy while doing it, he wouldn't be able to pull off something like that again for a while.