[hider=Adrian Steele] [color=silver][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/78/3b/ec/783becaff55f15515d79a666bce582d7.jpg[/img][/color] [b][color=gray]Name: [/color]Adrian Steele[/b] [b] [color=gray]Age: [/color]Thirty-Four [/b] [b] [color=gray]Sex: [/color] [/b] [color=silver] [i]Male.[/i] [/color] [b] [color=gray]Notoriety [/color] [/b] [color=silver] [i] +3 [/i] [/color] [b] [color=gray]Appearance: [/color] [/b] [color=silver] [i]Steele stands at six foot four, he appears to have various brandings, scars and tattoos around his face and head. He is bald, clearly and it appears he has been for a while. He wears a blue fleeced jacket and under it an old faded punk rock band T. He wears a pair of old navy BDUs which are too faded in color. On his feet are a pair of black combat boots commonly used by Corporate Police. He appears to be of a muscular build and stands with solid stature, he always appears to be standing tall or atleast that's what he shows - at least. He has bags under his eyes, probably from sleep deprevivation [/i] [/color] [b] [color=gray]Personality: [/color] [/b] [color=silver] [i]Adrian is rather cold to those he dosen't trust, he analyzes everyone he meets and takes a course of action after meeting them. It can range from being friendly and cordial while he can change to a mean and ruthless brute. In private he is a quiet man who keeps to himself, his outward persona usually changes to fit the situation but around long term friends that persona may fade. Adrian isn't one to hold his tongue, he will speak his mind, his thoughts and opinions on a situation. If a job is bad he'll say it, despite back lash or any hate or praise he may get. He's honest and sticks to telling the truth - when he isn't under cover. [/i] [/color] [center][i]Honest – Disturbed – Sympathetic – Crude[/i][/center] [b] [color=gray]Bio: [/color] [/b] [color=silver] [i]So, a washed up Corporate dog? It almost seems fitting that Adrian Steele use to be a Corporate cop, before Eurocop began to regulate everything. It's one of the paths street kids end up in, the gangs, the corps or the dead. All three very simple in nature, but situations change and people die, people get hurt and emotions run high. Especially WEST District, the last past ten years had been tough especially with the 17DEM and Eurocop going at it. Adrian started out as a Corporate Cop, he used to protect Executives, protect corporate property and take out the trash every once in a while. That was before the corps merged with Eurocop and Adrian lost his job, the young Adrian Steele took what he had as Corporate dog and went into bounty hunting. Crime pays, but Bounties pay even better. To fit into the life style Adrian got some tattoos, new threads, the scars and brandings were gained while he was on jobs. Sometimes captured, sometimes injured, an injury just meant a new story for Adrian to tell. This was the 9-5 for Adrian, grab some low level scum cash the bounty and go home and go out the next day. Was as in, past tense. When Adrian's sister, Maggie was crippled, the medical bills to keep her alive in the hospital were staggering. Adrian stepped up his game, went after some dark people and hauled in some high ranking 17DEM "terrorists". Adrian isn't liked and now isn't the time to start making amends, make the money, pay the debts, save and maybe become famous at the same time. Simple right? Nothing ever is. [/i] [/color] [b] [color=gray]District: [/color] [/b] [color=silver] [i]DST-16-WEST[/i] [/color] [b] [color=gray]Weapon(s): [/color] [/b] [color=silver] [i][hider=Cobray Street Sweeper][img]http://www.imfdb.org/images/thumb/6/6c/CobrayStreetSweeper.jpg/500px-CobrayStreetSweeper.jpg[/img]Small, compact, 12 rounds of 12 gauge. Revolving cylinder, the street sweeper.[/hider] [/i] [/color] [hider=Bundeswehr Type 4 Fallschirmjäger-Messer ][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/a6/25/0c/a6250cedd5478f18eb24ccbafdafbb9e.jpg[/img]A six inch old world gravity knife with brass knuckles on it, comes with some cute skulls. They are skulls right?[/hider] [b] [color=gray]Armour: [/color] [/b] [color=silver] [i][hider=Ghost Corporate Kevlar][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/84/51/14/845114e17d550765893b6d047e28651f.jpg[/img]It could stop a few bullets, maybe.[/hider][/i] [/color] [b] [color=gray]Cybernetics: [/color] [/b] [color=silver] [i]-[/i] [/color] [b] [color=gray]Account Balance: [/color] [/b] [color=silver] [i]2500creds[/i] [/color] [/hider] [@SmileyJaws] Done :)