The Witch Hunter seemed to consider the matter for a few moments, he made no move to lower the pistol while he did so. Camilla figured that if the man were good he could probably kill her, or Cydric but not both. Even if he were very quick, and he had the look of a man who relied on speed rather than strength it was a losing proposition. SHe wondered if he were making the same calculation. Witch hunters were a staple of fiction and drama in the Empire, so Camilla understood that they were roaming fanatics and mutant hunters, bent on eradicating the spoor of Chaos wherever they found it, and whatever it cost. It was an admirable goal of course, but over zealous Witch Hunters were the only kind that lasted and they tended to take a fairly relaxed view on collateral damage. [b]“I suppose seeing you have the Count’s seal, I can take it on faith that you know what you are talking about, although you’ll find my ecumenical impulses only go so far when it comes to the Wolf Worshipers.”[/b] The witch hunter eased back the hammer on the pistol and slipped the weapon into a pocket. [b]“Did you see the faces of the heretics? See where they went?” [/b]he asked intently, taking a half step towards them. Camilla shook her head. [b]“No we just heard their voice and then…”[/b] she trailed of, realising she had no idea how to finish the sentence. The witch hunter arched any eyebrow. [b]“Decided it was a good time to lay in the middle of the street and shower you lover with your favors?” [/b]the man asked archly. It was a damned unfortunate scene for someone to walk in on. Camilla shrugged and made herself blush. It was an old trick, blushing on command. [b]“I’m afraid that when I heard the name I panicked, I must have fainted. Reiner was taking care of me,”[/b] she explained. The Witch Hunter looked skeptical but did not challenge the statement. [b]“Well I suppose I am grateful that you alerted me,”[/b] he did not sound particularly grateful, “Sigmar watches over his faithful. Although I suppose you worship the Lady of the Lake?” [b]“The Lady is for Knights she dosent care much for common folk,” [/b]Camilla responded, automatically, the lessons learned from hundreds of Brettonian romances coming to her mouth without thought. The Witch hunters mouth twitched into a smile. It had been a test. Perhaps her accent had slipped but he wanted to make sure she was really a Brettonian and he had done it so smoothly she hadn’t even noticed. [b]“I am Matis von Koneinswald,”[/b] he introduced himself, clicking his heels together in that odd way Imperials sometimes effected. [b]“Let us get out of the street and we will compare notes, as they say.”[/b] [@POOHEAD189]