[img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170304/77a80daa7e198b15d909db83a6f07eb4.png[/img] Caora wasnt quite as easy to upset this time. [color=hotpink]"Well, duh! Cause he gpt ambushed himself! He got ambushed before he could ambush! Like, a double ambush! Counter ambush! A big, green leafy ambush! That would -"[/color] Wait a sec. There was that word again. The one the doctors used after Mama and Papa got in trouble. The one the nurse said was just between him and the Hospital. [color=hotpink]"HOW DO YOU KNOW ABOUT MAMA AND PAPA!?"[/color] cried the boy, flying into an incensed rage. [color=hotpink]"THE NURSE SAID THAT WAS PRIVATE! HOW THE HECK DO YOU KNOW!? YOU A SIDEKICK OR SOMETHING!? WHO TOLD YOU I WAS IN BREAD!?"[/color]