[quote=@TheWindel] [@KoL] Boo. [/quote] ¬_¬ [quote=@TheFake] Hi, This interests me. Thought I'd let you know before I just drop a CS in. [/quote] We still have some space left, so be welcome. [quote=@DracoLunaris] [@KoL] I take part of my initial comment back as the frilly dress, love hearts, huge bow and oboe themed weapon make her look way less intimidating. I still like her, she is just less dread empress now. Its kind of neat how the to aesthetics are neatly separated at the waist. up is evil overlord, down is pretty princess. [/quote] Don't encourage [@TheWindel]... [quote=@TheWindel] KoL not being an Edgelord? Those words are blasphemy. [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znGBU5oODz8[/youtube][/center] [/quote] Do you see why? This is the reason why we can't have nice things. [quote=@Crimmy] Damn, Tzi does need to put his shirt on for this one. [/quote] Fortune favors the bold. The question is: Is he feeling today? [quote=@Leotamer] Natus goes off and actually does some research, and then the princess arrives right afterwards. Also, a lot of our characters are nobility, so wouldn't some of our characters have been in social events with the king and queen? [/quote] By the way, I'll say what he could find on my next post. This previous one was too packed already to drop even more stuff there. Also, as my post states, the Princess was trained by the Captain as well, which implies that she (obviously) is/used t be a cadet at Cadenza until at least very recently (she's about the same age as all the other PCs as her looks indicate). Your characters should have at least seen her during the daily life/other events at the Academy and out of it. Also, it's the Emperor, not King. I'll give a better rundown of the Empire's hierarchy later, when I update the Lore post. Just know in advance that the Empress has passed away some years ago and the bulk of the politics is actually run by the Prime Minister. [quote=@Crimmy] And for the peasantfolk fishermen like Tzi, is he actually allowed to be near royalty at all? [/quote] Cadets at Cadenza are either nobility or nobles to be (by the virtue of being trained for positions of command at the Imperial army). Knighthood is an easy entry into nobility for anyone who shows the aptitude to be a Vessel Bearer. Obviously, someone not of blue blood will have hardships on their way up the social ladder. At the very least, as far as Cadets go, everyone is considered an equal (in theory, at least).