[hr][hr][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=World%20Narrative&name=Bleeding_Cowboys.ttf&size=50&style_color=f26522[/img][/center][hr][center][img]http://fireflyonlinewiki.com/w/images/b/b1/Newhope.png[/img] [i]Newhope[/i][/center][hr][hr] [center][color=ed1c24][i]~rolls where made for Anisa's Crew to see if anyone would by chance notice the new arrival hiding behind the crates. None will notice her off hand or get a feeling that something isn't right.~[/i][/color][/center] Anisa took the buyer over to the engine room where Gideon was so the man could poke and prod it. Anisa was getting impatient at this point and Gideon didn't seem to be taking too well to someone poking around his area. Gideon had not been happy about Harper either. Now there were two engineers on the ship, just as there were two pilots. Harper just happened to be the second for both and while Harper hadn't taken over the engine room, he had taken over the bridge. Gideon had made his opinion known on his to Anisa but she brushed it off and warned him if he kept it up he could be replaced as well. Gideon shut up then. Atticus finished packing up his things and started moving them over to the Cargo bay while Jahosafat was speaking with Foy. The preacher smiled a bit, happy to see that the Doctor seemed to be cheering up. Harper seemed to be speaking to the man as well. [color=gray]"Why of course, I will make sure there isn't a helix left on this ship once everyone is off,"[/color] he assured Harper before turning his attention back to his old friend. [color=gray]"Oh ho ho ho my good man, I do indeed! Will make inquires about it once I am finished with the rounds and get this ship polished perfection. Shall we say around six this evening my good man? We can find a bit of something for our hunger and then head off to places of debauchery on a full stomach!"[/color] he said looking forward to some time off the ship. Atticus cocked a brow and looked over to them as he set his things down. [color=fff79a]"Sins of the flesh? Oh I could use a vice or two this evening myself,"[/color] he said with a grin. It was no secret that the preacher was anything but a completely holy man. [color=fff79a]"Hey Dorothy, you need any help? I'm all done with my packing."[/color] Over in The Lady Luck, Luck was not being a lady tonight. As the dice fell, Aiden's number was up and he lost the toss. There went the money he had laid down on this round. Though maybe it wasn't the end of his luck or perhaps his luck had went elsewhere, somewhere more valuable. What was slipped into his drink was a common enough tactic of the women of Lady Luck's, a simple drug that would dissolve quickly, was tasteless, and would make the men on their arms much more willing to do what they wanted. Like go back to a room and go to sleep while they were robbed blind. [i]Easy Street[/i] was the name of the drug but for Aiden, it just didn't seem to be working. Seemed Lady Luck was on his side. Money gone, drug not working. Gave him the perfect excuse to move on to something else and away from them now that their attention was starting to waiver. An impatient lot was a good way to describe the women of Lady Luck's. They wanted quick, easy, and rich marks. Seemed that Aiden was not going to fit the bill. Had he won the round he would have pulled in plenty and could have made a real run for it in the next game, something that was worth their time but the dice had held onto their edge and plopped down to leave his wanted winnings in the hand of the Croupier. The loss caused a riotous laughter from the crowd around the table that wafted out to the streets.