Theodore focused intently on his crossbow, this time making sure he would not repeat the same amateurish mistake he had just made. He his eyes fixated on that, he could only follow how the battle progressed with his ears. Katia was shouting something about her past to Cesar, soon turning to request more information from the spell slinging fellow in purple. Then there was Wick's Command, he could not mistake such a clear use of magic... And then there was the familiar sound of blade impacting whatever those creatures were made out of. After that, a moment of silence. As a barely familiar voice rang out, Theodore raised his head above his cover and could see all of the shadows were dealt with. Well, what worked, worked. He had landed a killing shot at the start, so things could've been worse for the arbalist. He raised up from his one-knee-down pose and tossed the bolt he had in his hands back into its case. The lid was snapped shut, the mask grabbed and donned. Lastly, the heavy crossbow found its way onto his back. He had done these things a thousand times before. He approached the rest, gravitating slightly towards Thea as he walked, and politely listened what the caster had to say. Before he could interject and tell them to quiet down, Wick did the deed. Not that he would have heard the small voice all the way where he was, so he did add his own piece: "We are close enough to each other to discourage shouting. If there is anything more out here, especially something that might have been drawn about by the sounds of battle, we do not want to highlight where we are going now." His voice was barely the volume of normal speech, but if nobody talked on top of him everyone could easily hear his words. He glanced at Thea, in an attempt to see if she was wounded. He knew it to be futile, but he could not help himself. In this world, even when he had been savagely assaulted by the birds he had looked like he had just walked out of the barracks, ready to head on a mission. And this was the case this time just as well. She looked just like she had looked when they had fallen from the sky... well, a bit more organised perhaps. But no signs of damage anywhere nonetheless. A quicker look at all the others proved the same: Nobody looked hurt. This was a deceptive realm, but those suffering would likely voice it. The feeling left behind by harm in this realm was thoroughly unpleasant. "Where do you think we'll find ourselves once we reach our destination?" he asked of those next to him while nervously scanning his surroundings. While he would have loved to relax, his training had taught him better. It would not have been the first time another fight would break out soon after the first. [hider=Mechanics&Rolls] If it really comes to seeing approaching enemies, just use Theodore's Passive Perception. I don't suspect that to be the case OOC'ly though, so I saw no real reason in rolling. [b]HP:[/b] 28/28 [b]AC:[/b] 16 [b]Concentrating:[/b] Not [b]Radiant Consumption:[/b] Available [b]Slayer's Eye:[/b] Inactive [b]Spells expended:[/b] 0/3 1st [/hider] [@Big Dread][@Cu Chulainn][@Gordian Nought][@JBRam2002][@Zverda][@The Harbinger of Ferocity] - Words were spoken