[@JBRam2002][@Savo][@Suku][@GarlandDaHero] The masked being was unfazed by Kagami's wild charge, stepping right through her like a ghost before she could even land a single strike. She would feel the sudden intrusion of an eerie pain that felt like fire rushing through her veins that immediately disappeared the moment its now-seemingly incorporeal body passed her. It did not engage her, but one of the burning monsters that had heralded its arrival - a charred, lanky humanoid thing engulfed in flames - drew away from the burning walls, and a gaping white maw opened where its mouth would be to breathe out a white-hot stream of fire at Kagami. It seemed to glance back at the girl's direction for a moment, before immediately tuning its blank, masked gaze upon Kimiko and the newcomer. It stepped forward, and the second of the fire creatures gaggled, leaping forth upon a wave of flames in a bid to close the distance between it and the other two teenagers. The newcomer immediately responded, quickly grabbing Kimiko and pulling her out of the way of the monster, even though the incredible heat singed the very air around them. Yet as a consequence, Kimiko was pulled even further from the mass of creatures that was rapidly leaving with Alex's body within their grasp. "We need to run," gasped the other Uchima student, his eyes trained with fear on the gakuran-clad masked figure. He was unconsciously putting himself in front of Kimiko, especially as the fire monster was reorienting itself for another charge at them.