Cyrdic didn't blush. He was more annoyed than anything, though he supposed the Witch Hunter hadn't seen all that had happened. Thankfully, while Cyrdic wasn't quite the actor that Camilla was, he was still quite used to being berated by a superior officer, and took the accusations with a stone faced visage. He supposed Camilla's claim of her fainting and he helping her wasn't too far off the mark, but he'd need to tell her exactly what happened soon. Mostly to help her prepare for a next time, if they weren't burned at the stake beforehand that is. The Osltlander almost snorted at his suspicion of the Witcher Hunter. He used to not question such men and their methods. Now he was the one in their sights. He guessed he figured if he remained a loyal sigmarite and soldier throughout his life, he'd not be targeted just like any truly good imperial. "I am a Sigmarite, herr Koneinswald," he said. "I simply revere Ulric, as our Lord Sigmar did. And yes, we are free to discuss whatever you wish of us. If you please, me and my companion are quite famished. Shall we eat while we talk?" he asked. While that was the truth, he also wanted to make it seem like he and Camilla were not quite used to being treated like subordinates. Matis von Koneinswald snorted, his nose in the air. He muttered something about impudence that Cyrdic didn't quite catch, but then conceded aloud. [@Penny]