[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/10ZwtN7.jpg[/img][/center] Sel's eyes were pushed open by the fox, so would feel herself being pushed off by an annoyed hand before rolling in the opposite direction from where the small creature was shoved. [color=gray]"Too ... too early ..."[/color] The mage reached for the covers and pulled them over her head as if trying to close the world out. It seemed that the fox would have to try harder to wake her mage up properly, because it would be rather apparent to the familiar that she was already drifting back tot the realm of sleep. [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/KDNoPCb.jpg[/img][/center] The kitten partially awoke as the covers were tugged out of her arms, instinctively reaching for them. Maoin let out a long and extended yawn as she looked upwards at the dragon for a second accusingly before rolling back onto the bed and curling up slightly as the realization that an attempt to fall back asleep was futile. After a minute she rose up and rubbed her eyes before approaching with Lady Sorcha's petting reach. [color=darkslateblue]"... breakfast ... first ... mistress ... maybe ... pack ... food ...?"[/color] It was obvious the poor kitten denied of their cat nap was tired, but she didn't offer a vocal protest. Of course she was expected to come along, even though she'd just be sitting on the sidelines. She'd probably be on massage duty after the fight, or maybe her owner intended to toss her into the lake again.